Tweedy Tour 2014

Spencer Tweedy
4 min readDec 9, 2014


This year, my dad and I began our first real tour together in support of Sukierae, the so-called “solo album performed by a duo” we released in September. We played our first show in Detroit just four days after my high school graduation (with only four full band rehearsals under our belt) and have since played 39 shows in 19 states and 9 countries. We’re all done for 2014 now — and Wilco is in the middle of its “Winterlude” residency at the Riviera in Chicago — but excited for more shows to come soon

We saw so many places and so many people on the road, it was, at times, too much to fully process. I got to meet people who have been reading my writing since I was twelve years old. We were on Austin City Limits, the Tonight Show, and the Colbert Report. We played at the historic Ryman Auditorium and even ate lunch at the White House. I tried to document as much as I could with my iPhone, but I think these film pictures offer a nice lil’ glimpse into what it’s like to be on the road with Jim, Darin, Liam, my dad, all the crew and me. For more day-to-day documentation, please read my Tweeter.

I still can’t believe that I get to play music professionally. It is such a privilege — of this era, of fans’ kindness, and of my family’s sacrifice — and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to do it. Music seems like an inconsequential niche of society but people continue to value it, and it enables us to travel around the world and express ourselves artistically. That boggles my mind.

I also want to add that while my dad and I were traveling — working hard, but nonetheless having fun — my brother Sammy began his first year of high school, and my mom coped — and is still coping — with treatment for two simultaneous cancers. (High school and cancer… We get through these things.) Even though we got to be home a lot during these months, I know it was still hard for them to get shit done with two men down on the roster. Thank you, mommy and Sammy.

See you in 2015.

Clockwise from top left: Jeff, Darin, Liam, Jim. Not pictured: me.
Left: Josh — multi-technician, style icon, sweetie-pie. Right: my delicious Euro C&C babies.
Left: pommes frites in Leuven. Right: setlisting…
Left: Nate gleefully reciprocates Liam’s affection. Right: band plus Matrix looking “badass” at some festival.
Left: Dad at BBC Radio 6. Right: BBC whipping up graphics with our #pic.
Left: Jess Wolfe of Lucius. Right: Jess and Liam. Not pictured: Holly Proctor of Lucius.

Shot on film (Ilford, Kodak, Lomo) using a Leica M6, the generous gift of a friend.

