How to buy SAT using Smart Contract with MyEtherWallet (MEW)

Sphere Official
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


We are creating this comprehensive guide for those who have questions about how to buy SAT using our Smart Contract with MEW.
Be advised that we highly recommend Metamask if you are not sure what you are doing. Sphere takes no responsibility for your actions.

Do not send ETH from an exchange to the smart contract. Your ETH will disappear forever.

You can send ETH from any ERC20 compatible wallet like MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Parity or MIST.

Set gas limit to 200,000 GAS and 40 GWEI GAS PRICE

Our SAT Smart contract address: 0xc56b13ebbCFfa67cFb7979b900b736b3fb480D78

Symbol: SAT

Decimals: 8

Instructions to buy SAT with MyEtherWallet (MEW)

  1. Sign in to your Sphere Backoffice Account

2. Click on “BUY (SMART CONTRACT)”

3. Copy the Smart Contract Address 0xc56b13ebbCFfa67cFb7979b900b736b3fb480D78

4. Unlock your MyEtherWallet account and go to the “Send Ether and Tokens” on the menu

5. Paste the Smart Contract Address copied from the Sphere Backoffice to the Field “To Address”

6. Enter the amount of ETH you want to send. Make sure it is set to ETH.

7. Set Gas Limit to 200000

8. Click on “Generate Transaction”

9. Make sure everything is correct then, click on “Send Transaction”

10. Verify that the Send To Address is 0xc56b13ebbCFfa67cFb7979b900b736b3fb480D78

11. Click on “Yes, I am sure! Make transaction” to start the transfer process

12. You can check you Transaction status using these buttons “Verify Transaction” and “Check TX Status”

Adding SAT to MyEtherWallet

13. Next Click on “Add Custom Token”

14. Enter the Smart Contract Address 0xc56b13ebbCFfa67cFb7979b900b736b3fb480D78 in the “Token Contract Address” field

15. Enter “SAT” for “Token Symbol” field

16. Enter “8” in “Decimals” field

17. Click “Save”

18. Congratulations you successfully received SAT in your wallet

For those who bought SAT during pre-sale, rewards from bounty, and through any methods of payments other than the smart contract. You will receive your SAT after the ICO in April.



Sphere Official

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