Plans For Future Updates

Sphere Official
2 min readNov 21, 2018


Hello, we have been observing the community during the past few weeks and we believe it is best we clear up some misconceptions and doubts about the project’s current status and future.

To all our early contributors who are wondering what is next, and when, we have an answer as to what we want to focus on:

Development, development, and more development.
We’re going to be working on 90% development for near future up into the next year. We believe that creating a valuable product that people like to use will bring far more value to the project than pursuing further listing and marketing opportunities.

If we create a valuable product then people will want to use it. Granting more utility for the token.

We believe that after all that’s happened, slow progress is nothing to be ashamed of.

That being said, we do believe in giving our community as many updates as possible to keep them informed. The roadmap is outdated. There is plenty to update about it considering our current position is not where we projected the company to be at this point in time.

We want to thank all early contributors to the project,
but please note that in the current market conditions, the best thing we can do is to use funds directly for development.

We’ve been thinking of different ways to increase utility for the token on the platform. Here are some ideas we had in mind:

Integrating an wallet feature to the advertisement system.

Introducing the Ad system that uses SAT as payment for Ads.

Adding incentives for users who wants to establish themselves on the social network.

The website will be reworked to support this.

We will work on implementing the new features one at a time in the background while the app is up and live, and push updates when its ready for testing. So pardon us if the App goes down from time to time for a short period during the update process.

Also, the IOS version of the App has been recently updated to version 1.7.2 the Apple store. Feel free to check it out!



Sphere Official

Visit us @ for ICO. We are creating a decentralized social network. You have a say, you get compensated with every social connection.