SAT officially listed on CoinMarketCap

Sphere Official
2 min readDec 11, 2018


Social Activity Token has finally been listed on CoinMarketCap.

We knew this day would eventually come, and we would have been more than happy to see it happen sooner.

Many may be wondering what exactly this means for the project.

It is a small step, and we believe it to be in the right direction.

CMC listing, for many tokens, is often consequential to the public standing and perception of a new coin. All of the projects that have any backing behind them are on CoinMarketCap, so being there is more than just an accolade. It’s a status symbol and a sign of valuable significance. It’s clout. it’s opportunity for marketing in the future for more success.

The future may be uncertain, but with hard work, we believe we can make our own future.



Sphere Official

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