10 Things That Help You be the Best Version of Yourself – The Circle and the Dot

Spicy Gigi
2 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Luís Eusébio on Unsplash

1- Boundaries

You have to make them. They won’t make themselves for you. Think of a blank paper. A circle can’t draw itself. Draw a circle and put a dot in it. You’re the dot and the space outside the circle cannot enter and disturb the dot.

2- Self-discipline

Now the dot can’t just move freely anywhere it wants in the circle. We will make a schedule for the dot to be in certain areas for certain times. Sometimes, we can allow the dot to circulate freely.

3- Confidence

Now the dot knows exactly that it’s capable to move in any sort of direction it wants. Sometimes it gets confused, but that’s normal. The dot nonetheless, believes it’s capable to move in any sort of direction it wants.

4- Conciseness

Why have more dots when you can have one dot? One dot is sufficient. Period. No need to mention other dots to communicate. Find the most concise dot and use it.

5- Flexibility

Sometimes the dot scheduled to be at a certain area in the circle but couldn’t make it, and ended up in another area. That’s okay.

6- Joy

The dot loves to change colors sometimes. It changes colors more often to feel good. Changing colors is not harmful to the dot so it’s okay for the dot to change colors more often.

7- Honesty

The dot knows what it wants and most importantly, knows what it doesn’t want. Why listen to the rest of the dots in other circles?

8- Time

The dot respects and values time. The dot tries to be aware of that, but it’s okay if the dot doesn’t remember to value time as often.

9- The Present Moment

The dot knows that the only “time” that exists, is the present moment. The past and the future are a manifestation of time that has already occurred, or time that may or may never occur.

10- You’re the dot.

