WooCommerce 3.2.4 Changelog


Bryan Hoffman
2 min readNov 16, 2017


  • Fix — Cache IDs in shortcodes rather than query objects.
  • Fix — Fix float rounding issues in cart with currencies like Bitcoin.
  • Fix — Prevent slashes appearing in shipping fields and inside meta keys when using quotes.
  • Fix — Check valid data when filtering wp_nav_menu_objects to prevent conflicts.
  • Fix — get_total_ex_tax should exclude fee taxes.
  • Fix — Fix orders count in tax reports.
  • Fix — Allow removing coupons from the cart, even if coupons are disabled.
  • Fix — Prevent calculate_totals totals running too often.
  • Fix — Set attributes during variation creation so all options are correctly displayed in cart forms.
  • Fix — Grab description directly to pass through wc_format_content to prevent double sanitization.
  • Fix — Fix db warnings when using the “Add Order Indexes” tool.
  • Fix — Remove unnecessary html formatting in variation dimensions field.
  • Fix — Fix WC_Customer_Download isset method.
  • Fix — Removed class within class in admin meta boxes HTML.
  • Fix — Fixed wrong flex-control-nav selector scope in add-to-cart-variation.js
  • Fix — Allow variations to be added to cart from query string.
  • Fix — Use add_filter for comment_feed_where hook.
  • Fix — Change nocache_headers hook firing in the cache helper.
  • Fix — Coupon min/max spend based on displayed subtotal.
  • Fix — Fix event propagation on click in setup wizard and improve validation.
  • Fix — API — Change how line items are saved in API so calculations are correct.
  • Tweak — Hide downloads from admin emails.
  • Tweak — Set placeholder for variation lxwxh field to that of the parent.
  • Tweak — Improve the Add Payment Methods display so buttons are not shown when no payment methods support the feature.
  • Localization — Update NJ tax rate.
  • Localization — Add Belarusian ruble BYN.

Originally published at Cinch Web Services.

