Back to Basics — Traditional German Baumkuchen

Despite being an uncommon type of cake, there are regional styles of baumkuchen within Germany. Understanding tradition gives us a jumping off point to modernize and develop creative twists on this specialty confection

3 min readApr 16, 2020

The Principal Ingredients of Baumkuchen

The standard ratio for the ingredients of baumkuchen is: 1 part butter, 1 part sugar, 1 part flour, 2 parts egg. Without using emulsifying agents, leavening agents, or additional materials, the cake comes together using only the powers of its raw ingredients. This is the traditional German method passed down through generations.


In Germany, vegetable oils (such as margarine or shortening)are not used, instead opting for just butter.


The more egg, the more moisture the batter will have. Using egg yolks for emulsifying and egg whites for foaming will result in a soft, fluffy batter.

Wheat Flour

Wheat flour mixed with water becomes sticky, which is the origin for gluten. Sugar and oils weaken the gluten bonds, by mixing all three together, the batter will become soft and tender.


Large quantities of sugar adds moisture the batter.

Regional Varieties of Baumkuchen in Germany

According to Erich Weber’s definitive text on German baking, “Des Konditors Lehre und Vorbereitung” (1938), The cities of Salzwedel, Dresden, and Cottbus all have their own distinct varieties of baumkuchen.

Dresden Style

Dresden style baumkuchen from Konditorei u. Cafe Gradel

As the capital city of the former Kingdom of Saxony, Dresden had been decked in majestic spendor for centuries earning its nickname of The Jewel Box. Their baumkuchen is no exception, with larger quantities of egg and flour, creating a delicate, airy batter, with an aroma of brandy.

Cottbus Style

Cottbus Style baumkuchen from Cottbuser Baumkuchen Manufaktur

Located 80km south of Berlin on the shores of Lake Spree, the Cottbus cake was baked for the first time by Maria Groch in 1819. The original recipe, as described by Cottbuser Baumkuchen Manufaktur is

4 pounds of butter, 4 pounds of sugar, pounded and sieved, 3 pounds of cornflour, 50 pieces of eggs, grated peel and juice of 4 lemons, 3 bars of vanilla, 3/4 pound peeled, grated sweet almonds, 1/4 bitter almonds and a bit of salt

This style of baumkuchen relies on heavy use of butter - giving the cake a heavy flavor and mass. Because of its heaviness, it can not be baked as fast as the Dresdner or Salzwedeler Baumkuchen. This region’s recipes uses spices, almonds, arak and other aromatics.

Salzwedel Style

Salzwedel Style Baumkuchen from Hennig Salzwedeler Baumkuchen Factory

Located in former East Germany, this town is also known as “Baumkuchen Town”. Among the three varieties of baumkuchen, this style is the simplest and most faithful to the traditional recipe. The unmolded edges of this soft, flavourful cake are its special characteristics




I’m just a girl, living in San Francisco, asking for a baumkuchen