August & Super Full Moons

Spiral Through
4 min readJul 31, 2023


August always holds a special place in the Cosmic Collective, and this year, highlighting the uniqueness of 2023 -the Year of The Mystic- August starts and ends with Super Full Moons. Creating another mystic layer for this magical Full Moon is the celestial gateway that opened up for The Day Out of Time [or The Timeless Day] and The Galactic [or 13 Moon Calendar] New Year on July 25. This portal is still operational and highly potent and will stay open until August 12. It will usher us through the auspicious time of the Lions Gate [8/8], when the veils between the physical and spiritual realms are thinned and malleable, and the portal’s max amount of energy flows between them. For your ceremonies for this Super Full Moon, connect into the open gateway and the powerful Light Codes it is moving through the Collective and notice how your rituals are amplified. Note how much easier it is to connect in, to find and understand what is required quickly, and how abundantly easier it is to do the work when you are harnessing and gratefully engaged with the energy rather than unconsciously allowing yourself to be thrown around in the waves of highly charged energy.

Full Moons are a wonderful time for ceremonies around releasing and gratitude for what has been completed in the last moon cycle. They are endings and a time to reflect and begin to create magic -especially for talismans- for what is needed for the next cycle. The moon is closer to the Earth during a Full Moon, and its Light and Energy are exceptional for soothing the soul and the physical body and can complement the opened portal’s frequencies very well. Energy is Light Codes. And this potent gateway facilitates intense and incredible amounts of healing Energy or Light Codes pouring in from the Consciousness of All That Is and the Higher Realms, supporting our minds, energetic layers, and souls to open up with ease and become malleable for mastery of the Self, progressing our ascension at a much higher rate no matter if you are beginning or deeply immersed in your spiritual journey.

This is why portals and gateways are so advantageous to track and participate within. They are the time to move in-step in-regardless of how busy life is or can be. These celestial times support deep interpersonal soul work and will efficiently connect in and accelerate your spiritual foundational releasing, transmuting, and manifesting work. And yes, all subsequent levels of growth and manifestation, whether work projects, service goals, artistic endeavors, relationships, or inner growth, must begin with releasing the old that is no longer serving you to move into the new. There has to be room created for the new and higher level to exist but don’t shy away from the hard or the uncomfortable: move towards it. Get support when needed: it is an essential step in self-love and actualization. When you wait or do nothing, the Divine Laws of Love, Power, and Wisdom [also called the Divine Trinity, Universal Aspects of the Divine or Threefold Divinity] are modified with a new level of dissonance. More dissonance will only cause you to experience accelerated future triggers and require a deeper level of releasing work in the long run. And why are these Divine Laws so important not to have more dissonance added to them? They are the Universal Aspects of the Divine that are the critical keystones in releasing and permanently removing causal conditioning and completing old life paths, which is needed to balance your karmic debts and Akashic Records. The Divine Trinity must be mastered at every level. And when they are cleared and harmonized, along with your causal conditioning, you embody more Light and ascend to the next level.

This is a magical Full Moon time for internal work. Slow down and move inside with gratitude for the extra support and possibilities available to you now with the current gateway. Find your awareness of what is genuinely your deep causal conditioning and open up to your forgiveness; this opens and heals the Heart. Release, let go, transmute, and transcend. In this Portal of Pure Potentiality, it is much easier to do the work now when Source and the Light Codes can help ease the path by quickly opening up the Heart-Mind connection and the veils between the Realms and Time itself.

Ready to Step Into Your Journey & Pure Potentiality?

Click on the link: Journey Within The Oracle Healing Path at Spiral Through’s Hearth for more information!

Blessings for The Super Full Moon!

