Pure Soul’s Journey Into Earth

Spirit of the Rainbow
3 min readFeb 2, 2024

This is your soul’s journey.

This is my soul’s journey.

This is the journey of our inner child.

I am grateful to see the child in my eyes everyday.

I can see the child in your eyes too.

Everyone is still carrying the child, with two sides.

One is the creator, before the traumas took them over.

They know why they are here.

They are in the now, coming for love and looking for love.

That is the only thing familiar.

And they are going through this journey with a pure spirit and heart.

As they see on the path, the love they were looking for was not always instant, like God’s infinite unconditional source of love.

Love was their only language and they found it was shared by the first humans in their lives.

Moms and dads, all the ones who loved them so much, all the ones who welcomed them to this life.

Then they purely follow these beings as they are the symbols of unconditional love.

But this pure baby spirit doesn’t know, they are just the same.

Only their timeline was earlier in the physical plane.

Mom and dad are just other children, keeping that inner child with two sides.

One is the creator, before the traumas took them over.

And one is the wounded child:

The child who didn’t receive love like God’s love;

But forgot the source and looked for it only in what their eyes could see.

That child forgot where did it come from,

That child lost the memory of the source.

The baby’s pure spirit comes to play with that child.

Both the creator and the wounded side.

As a reminder of unconditional love.

But the baby’s pure spirit doesn’t remember anything else than love.

It sacrifices its pure spirit, as the angel of dad and mom.

What a gift God sends to mom and dad, a pure spirit of love: to remember who they are.

If they still haven’t remembered their being of pure whole love.

The baby’s pure soul encounters a world of separation and dual codes.

And it starts to adapt slowly.

It starts to imitate all those it sees, as it sees everything as pure love.

It brings pure love to everywhere with its being, and gets used to this cosmic immigration of the spirit into the Earthly realm.

And it eventually becomes one of them.

Carries the inner child in its eyes.

Until it remembers what God is, it may never find an answer.

As God is the unconditional love, a child is a pure piece of God.

A pure soul who hasn’t learnt about fear, pain and lies.

And it keeps living in each of us.

We can always remember.

Because it is me, it is you, it is us.

It is what we were made of.


