Magickal Correspondences ~ Colors
1 min readNov 6, 2022
- Chakra: root chakra
- Element: Fire
- Day: Tuesday (Mars)
- Magick: spells for love, lust, passion, pure energy, clearing & cleansing, speeding matters along, male issues, god energy
- Chakra: sacral chakra
- Day: Sunday (the Sun)
- Magick: god energy, healing, success fertility magick, spells for Mars energy, Sun energy, male issues, (a milder energy than red)
- Chakra: solar plexus
- Element: Air
- Day: Wednesday (Mercury)
- Magick: spells for communication, opening new avenues, success with mental endeavors, fairy magick, beginnings, creativity, the muses
- Chakra: heart chakra
- Element: Earth
- Day: Friday (Venus)
- Magick: spells for money, wealth, health and healing, material matters, physical issues, growth, fertility, female issues, goddess energy
- Chakra: throat chakra
- Element: Water
- Day: Monday (Moon)
- Magick: spells for the realms of dreams, psychism — clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience; to induce visions, to enhance divination, goddess energy, Moon energy, mysticism, female issues, wishes
- Chakra: crown chakra
- Day: Thursday (Jupiter)
- Magick: legal issues, financial issues, money & business, expansion, to enhance understanding between two individuals or groups, contracts, psychic magick, spirituality
- Day: Saturday (Saturn)
- Magick: spells for banishing, gray magick, cleansing, exorcism
Use white for purification. White can also be a substitute for any other color.