Exploring Native American Full Moon Rituals and Their Cosmic Significance


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January — Wolf Moon: This full moon was named by Native American tribes because January is a time when wolves howl more often due to the cold winter nights. According to folklore, the howling of wolves during this full moon is said to be a warning of difficult times ahead.

The February full moon is known as the Snow Moon or the Hunger Moon. Many Native American tribes would use this time to go hunting or fishing to provide food for their families during the winter months.

The March full moon is known as the Worm Moon or the Sap Moon. This is the time of year when earthworms start to come out of the soil and maple trees start to produce sap for maple syrup. Some tribes would tap the trees during this time to collect the sap.

The April full moon is known as the Pink Moon or the Sprouting Grass Moon. This is the time of year when flowers and plants start to bloom and animals start to give birth. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to celebrate the renewal of life.

The May full moon is known as the Flower Moon or the Corn Planting Moon. This is the time of year when crops are planted and flowers are in full bloom. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to honor the earth and ask for a good growing season.

The June full moon is known as the Strawberry Moon or the Rose Moon. This is the time of year when wild strawberries are harvested and roses are in full bloom. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to give thanks for the abundance of food and beauty.

The Sioux tribe has a legend about the June full moon. It is said that a young girl named Wihinape was chased by a bear and ran to the top of a hill. She prayed to the spirits for help and was turned into a strawberry plant. The bear was unable to find her and left. The June full moon is now known as the Strawberry Moon in honor of Wihinape.

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The July full moon is known as the Buck Moon or the Thunder Moon. This is the time of year when male deer start to grow their antlers and thunderstorms are common. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to honor the power of nature.

The August full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon or the Green Corn Moon. This is the time of year when sturgeon fish are abundant and corn is ready to be harvested. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to give thanks for the food and ask for a good harvest.

The September full moon is known as the Harvest Moon or the Corn Moon. This is the time of year when crops are harvested and the moon is bright enough to work late into the night. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to give thanks for the abundance of food.

The October full moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon or the Blood Moon. This is the time of year when animals are hunted and the leaves start to change color. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to honor the animals and ask for a successful hunt.

The Navajo tribe has a legend about the October full moon. It is said that a giant named Estsanatlehi was born during the full moon and brought prosperity to the tribe. The October full moon is now known as the Hunter’s Moon, as it was a time of year when the tribe would hunt and prepare for the winter months.

The November full moon is known as the Beaver Moon or the Frosty Moon. This is the time of year when beavers start to build their dams and frost starts to appear on the ground. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to ask for protection and warmth during the cold winter months.

The December full moon is known as the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon. This is the time of year when the nights are long and the weather is cold. Some tribes would hold ceremonies to celebrate the winter solstice and ask for strength during the dark times.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of exploring Native American Full Moon rituals and their cosmic significance. As we have seen, these traditions have deep roots in the spiritual practices of indigenous people, and offer a unique perspective on our connection to the natural world and the universe at large.

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Spiritual Coach & Astrologer Cyndi

I have certifications as an astrologer, spiritual and life coach. I have been practicing astrology for 10 years. My astrology youtube channel is about 8 years.