The Mystic power of white

Ranjit Dugar
3 min readNov 28, 2019

There is one colour that can be said to be the mother of all colours…It is associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, heaven, safety, brilliance, illumination, understanding, cleanliness, faith, beginnings, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, softness, and perfection. Most importantly, it includes all the other colours of the visible spectrum.

You guessed it right! That colour is white.

Throughout the western countries white is the traditional colour worn by brides, to signify purity, innocence, and virginity. In eastern countries, the colour white is the colour of prayer, relinquishment and holiness.

The colour white can represent a successful beginning. You start writing or typing on a blank ‘white’ page. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. As the opposite of black, movies, books, print media, and television typically depict the good guy in white (and the bad guy in black!).

The colour of ice, white is often used to represent coolness and simplicity. White’s association with cleanliness and sterility is often seen in hospitals, medical centres, and laboratories to communicate safety. ‘White’ blood corpuscles protect the body against invading pathogens.

The colour white is also associated with low-fat foods and dairy products. In certain cultures, white is the colour of royalty or of heavenly figures, such as angels, who are typically depicted as wearing white or having a white halo around their heads.

The colour white affects the mind and body by aiding in mental clarity, promoting feelings of fresh beginnings and renewal, assisting in cleansing, clearing obstacles and clutter, and encouraging the purification of thoughts and actions. In astrology, white gemstones are believed to help create new beginnings, remove prejudice and pre-conceived notions, to see the innocence in others, and to clear emotional clutter and silence the inner critic.

Arihants (I had mentioned them in my earlier blog), who are perfect human beings because they have achieved the Ultimate by killing all enemies within — Greed, Deceit, Anger and Ego — are, not surprisingly, represented by the colour white. White represents pure knowledge and perception. We associate selflessness and cosmic consciousness with it. White has protective power against psychic attacks from hostile forces. Meditation makes you realise a bright, white light around, getting stronger and stronger. It is a very powerful and profound experience.

The Sahasrar Chakra is located on the top of the head. It is also known as the “Thousand-Petalled Lotus”, “Brahmarandhra” (the door to God) or the “Centre of a Million Rays” because it radiates like the Sun. No other light comes close to the brilliance of the Sun. In the same way, the energy and radiation of all other Chakras pale in the radiance of the Sahasrar Chakra.

In my last blog I had ended on a note of suspense by asking why my guru, Acharya Mahapragya, prescribed an empowering technique to chant mantra ‘Namo Arhantanam’by focussing on Gyan chakra or Sahasrar Chakra located at top of the head visualising it as bright, white light.

Now you realise why His holiness recommended this technique of chanting this mantra.



Ranjit Dugar

Spiritual thinker & Preksha meditation exponent. Has authored numerous treatises, conducted discourses & workshops, online and on site across Europe & Asia.