From Self-Discovery to Advocacy: 5 Reasons to Share Your Psychedelic Experiences

Dianna | Spiritual Rave Mom
3 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Adam Flockemann on Unsplash

Being out of the closet as a psychonaut, or someone who has experienced the use of psychedelics can be a powerful and transformative decision. While it is a personal choice that may not be for everyone, here are five reasons why someone might choose to be open about their experiences with these substances:

#1 Personal growth and self-discovery:

Many people find that their experiences with psychedelics can be deeply personal and transformative, leading to personal growth and self-discovery. Being open about these experiences can allow others to share in and learn from these transformative journeys. Sharing one’s experiences can also help to validate and normalize the potential benefits of psychedelics, which are often misrepresented and misunderstood by mainstream society.

#2 Support and community:

Being open about one’s experiences with psychedelics can help to create a sense of community and support among like-minded individuals. This can be especially important for those who may feel isolated or misunderstood by mainstream society. Connecting with others who have had similar experiences can provide a sense of understanding and validation, and can help to foster a sense of belonging and connection.

#3 Normalization and destigmatization:

By being open about their experiences, psychonauts can help to normalize and destigmatize these substances, which have often been misrepresented and misunderstood by mainstream society. By sharing their own experiences and insights, psychonauts can help to educate others about the potential benefits and risks of psychedelics and advocate for more research and responsible use.

#4 Advocacy and education:

Along with helping to destigmatize psychedelics, being open about one’s experiences can also provide an opportunity for advocacy and education. By sharing their experiences and insights, psychonauts can help to educate others about the potential benefits and risks of these substances and advocate for more research and responsible use.

#5 Honesty and authenticity:

Being open and honest about one’s experiences can be a powerful way to live authentically and be true to oneself. It can also help to build trust and authenticity in relationships with others. Being open about one’s experiences with psychedelics can be a way to be open and honest about one’s values and beliefs, and can foster deeper understanding and connection with others.

It is important to note that being open about one’s experiences with psychedelics is a personal decision, and not everyone may feel comfortable doing so. It is always important to respect the privacy and decisions of others. Additionally, it is essential to prioritize personal safety and well-being and to be mindful of the potential risks and consequences of drug use.

In conclusion, being open about one’s experiences with psychedelics can be a powerful and transformative experience. From personal growth and self-discovery, to support and community, to normalization and destigmatization, there are many reasons why someone might choose to be out of the closet as a psychonaut. As Alexander Shulgin, chemist and researcher of psychedelic drugs, noted, “The psychedelic experience can be a gateway to understanding the true nature of reality and our place in the universe.” By embracing this opportunity for self-exploration and personal growth, psychonauts can tap into the transformative power of these substances and contribute to a greater understanding and acceptance of the role of psychedelics in society.

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Dianna | Spiritual Rave Mom

Education, experiences & insights of psychedelic journeys, and rave culture to build positive awareness & understanding of non-ordinary states of consciousness.