4 min readFeb 25, 2023



Born into the suburban areas of Srikaranpur town in Rajasthan, India, His Holiness wrote a mega-compendium of Hindi poetry at the age of just twelve years titled MAYKHANA replete with spiritual insights, particularly focusing on humanity’s antique struggle to co-exist in harmony and the accompanying solution as entailed in ancient wisdom.

A gifted healer from the very beginning, his deep interest in study of ancient texts saw him become a master physician of Ayurveda. ‘Hakim Ajmal Khan Award’, named after one of the greatest Muslim ancient healers with divine healing abilities, was presented to him in 1999 in recognition of his rare gift of extravagant diagnosis of illnesses by looking at a person’s face or hearing his voice, akin to Hakim Ajmal Khan, which His Holiness perfected over years and helped thousands of people through it over a public TV show televised in India for years. To this effect, a demonstration was also given by him at BBC in London later in 2005 upon special request. Conferred with prestigious ‘Dhanwantari Award’ in 2002, he had a lustrous career ahead of him had he continued to advance in this field. But his internal quest for a deeper, more revealing experience of reality made him sideline his medical activities to explore and address the more challenging facet of human life — peaceful co-existence.

He dedicated most of his time travelling extensively to gain experiential knowledge working with spiritual masters, philosophers & social reformers like J. Krishnamurthi, Baba Pathik, Swami Karpatri to name a few. In his own words:

“Sacred ancient scriptures of all religions are a potent tool for eradicating all prevalent miseries afflicting humanity. Falsified preaching of religious doctrines is the root cause of mankind’s sufferings. Correcting this will solve all our problems.”

Addressing this core issue, he assembled a set of ancient spiritual practices scattered across sacred texts of all religions in a codified format, under the umbrella term ‘Ancient Science Remedies’. These simple remedies, on account of being an amalgamation of the essence of all religions, are freely accepted by peoples of all faiths. These powerful remedies provide evidence-based resolution of all our medical, psychological and socio-economic ailments as promised in ancient texts. To facilitate a more robust understanding of this overall healing construct extolled in ancient scriptures, a scientific association was set up in India under supervision of Punjab’s Health Minister Dr. BR Chawla which functions to carry out the crucial task of scientific scrutiny of all the transformations, physiological changes, improved sense of wellbeing, coherence and most importantly, enhanced relationships effectuated by these remedies. Countless people speak about this overall healing experience as ancillary in fostering the spirit of universal interconnectedness of all beings.

To gear up the distribution of these remedies, he established charitable trust Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham (BSLND) in 2002. Needless to say, these remedies have already exhibited major positive impact on lives of millions of people across the world. To this end, it is worth mentioning here that the total count of people who have received these ancient remedies and benefitted from them had already crossed 310 million in 2011 and continues to grow substantially.

Garnering the right tools to confront the issue of world peace in form of these simple, practicable remedies and applying them systematically is a feat second to none. He has been honored for his invaluable contributions by four Presidents of India during their tenure, including Dr APJ Adbul Kalam.

His contributions have also been recognized globally. He was presented with ‘Angel of Humanity award by the PM and President of Mauritius in 2013. He was acclaimed as ‘Master of Ancient Science’ by chairperson of UN Women’s national committee in UK. UK House of Commons presented him with ‘Ambassador of Peace’ award in 2011, compounding it with ‘Happiness, Health & Peace Award’ in 2019. UK House of Lords designated him with ‘Pride of World’ award in 2019. A historic resolution was passed in his honor in New York State Senate in 2011, citing him as ‘an inspiration behind medical research being done to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western medicine’. The Senate and General Assembly of New Jersey in 2013 also designated him as ‘Ambassador of Peace’, compounding it with ‘Scholar of Spiritual Science’ award in 2022. Recently, Kashi Vidwat Parishad — the oldest body of elite Sanskrit intellectuals in the world conferred upon him the title of ‘Mahabrahmrishi’ — the highest attainable position in Vedic hierarchy. He also has a Guinness World Record to his name for treating incurable dandruff fungal infection of thousands of people at a mega-event. These are but a fraction of the numerous accolades to his name.

While BSLND is the heart of His work, he has also championed peace in many other organizations. He is the President of World Humanity Parliament, an international NGO which serves as the foundational support for bringing about this transformation globally. He is also the VP of Bharat Sadhu Samaj, the biggest conglomerate of saints in India. He was specially invited to attend the Global Peace Forum in Bahrain last year organized under the patronage of the country’s monarch.

Under His guidance, BSLND has grown into a recognized international institute with more than 100 centers worldwide. Its various socio-economic welfare activities include distribution of free meals to more than 1 million people every month, various charitable hospitals in India offering free medical treatment, schools providing free education and construction of various worship-places across India.

