The cabal who secretly run the world

Husham A
5 min readJul 24, 2020


At these “uncertainty” times of covid-19(certificate of vaccination ID-2019), the mainstream media & nearly all media platform is using this covid-19 pandemic(plan-demic) to put people in fear, once they’re in fear they’ll beg the government to come out with answers to protect themselves from the “virus” and help stop the spread of corona. The government came out saying that wearing a mask will help stop the spread & protect you, yet it is medically proven that wearing a mask won’t protect you from catching a virus. The one thing the mask is doing to you is weakening your immune system. This is our natural sickness fighter but when you wear a mask you compromise the immune system ability to fight & build antibody against everyday bacteria's, viruses, sickness etc. This is all a staged world show for the agendas the cabal set up in place. The real question is, who are the cabals?

The cabal are shapeshifting reptiles that thrive within a environment with low vibrational emotions, fear, chaos etc. They’re goal is to enslave the whole human race & are close to that goal. They already succeeded in making humans believe working your whole life & paying rent for a living is normal for humans. Welcome to the matrix… The mind illusion & mind prison created by the illuminate(cabal). Where did the term illuminate come from? How did this word even become part of the English language? unless the illuminate does really exist & is a secret society hidden in plain sight. The best way to keep a secret is to hide it in plain sight.

Human have become super addicted to their phones & wouldn’t even bother doing research on this type of topic or even look into it because “it’s all conspiracies”. That’s like saying, if someone says drinking alcohol is bad for you physically, mentally, & spiritually, & a doctor comes out & says drinking alcohol is beneficial for your mental health & can reduce anxiety, have that doctor done research on the spiritual side of drinking alcohol? based on his response most likely no, but people will say that “alcohol is not bad for you mentally & spiritually, its all conspiracies”. We all know drinking alcohol is nowhere good for the mind, body & spirit, but why is it legal? theirs something deeper about alcohol that they’re not telling you about & science can only explain based on this physical reality not beyond the human experience, but they’ll label it “conspiracies theories”. Humans wouldn’t even bother to look deeper into that so called “conspiracy”, why? because they’ve did a good job at dumbing down the human race & making them believe conspiracy theorist are crazy people but in reality their just conscious woke people. These people are aware of all these governmental lies. Govern-mental=governmental/government.

Conspiracy is a word they’ve come up with to cover up the truth of what’s going on behind closed doors. They wouldn’t want you to know the truth of the illuminate. If humans were aware of stuff, they would question the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill with an eye on top of it. The cabal’s are the ones on the top of the pyramid & the president’s you think want the best for this country are below them, they’re call puppets, just like celebrities etc. Just like Kanye West he’s a industry puppet, if you’ve seen his first presidential campaign rally, he was speaking stuff out of the ordinary right? Its call suppressed information, the media try's their best to keep information suppressed & hidden from the public. After the rally his wife Kim Kardashian came out saying Kanye has a mental health disorder & they tried they’re best to keep it away from the public. This what happens when you come out speaking information that they keep suppressed, you get labeled with mental, bipolar etc. When you speak the truth you get called crazy, why? because every human being been lied to since birth, so they can’t comprehend the truth that's been hidden from them.

The cabal set up agendas for this matrix. They set up covid-19, BLM(Black Lives Matter), DTP(Defund The Police) etc. Covid was used to put people at a low vibration(fear), BLM was used to created chaos & allow them to set in place curfew, both of those agenda was set in place to steal your freedom, & DFP was used for the youth, joe Biden(puppet) is running for president and says if he gets elected he’ll defund the police, clearly people who hate the police will most likely vote for him. Its all a big staged world show. The brick layers on the pyramid, the cabal on top, presidents on the second layer, celebrities on the third layer etc.… The list goes on & on but that's a more clearer way for you to understand.

The cabals are in control of the mainstream media, all technology, all phone carriers, whatever is man-made best believe its connected to the cabal in some way. You ever seen GMO foods? generically modify organism. GMO foods are man-made foods created in a lab/lab grown. How do you identify GMO fruits/vegetables? check for seeds, if it doesn’t contain seeds its GMO. GMO foods is nowhere healthy for the body, it contains artificial nutrients. Artificial nutrients are made in a lab, Why even have GMO foods? for people in poverty. GMO foods are sold cheaper then organically grown foods. So people who don’t really make a lot of money would pick out the cheaper fruits & vegetables not knowing its a lab grown fruit. Its poison for the mind, body, & spirit.

Who are the cabal’s? evil, wicked, sick reptiles. Theirs a lot to been know about this world. Everything is done behind closed doors. So the next time you think that this world is normal, just do some deep research, when I say deep you got to go deep. They control google too so don’t press the first couple of things that pop up. When you do research scroll down, down, down, because if you press the first couple of things that pop up, you’ll get misleaded with fake information from the matrix. When you hear the word “History” just know it means “His-story”.

You have to educate yourself and rely on yourself because school doesn’t teach you things you need to know, & programs you with pointless information. When you do research go on YouTube & , search up the topic your researching about & click the search filters, on ‘sort by’ press rating, once that's done go back & you’ll find videos with low views & subscribers, YouTube try's to keep these videos from going viral(suppressed information).

Source: Masks are medically proven to not help against a virus:

wearing a mask reduce blood oxygenation & linked to natural immunity:

Covid-19 is used to steal your freedom WACTH the video:

