Alma Mater | Those who can

3 min readOct 7, 2022


The Spark of Evolution

The adage, “Those who can, do, those who can’t, teach” might be incomplete

Thrown at literature professors and acting teachers, this saying is often offensive, frequently inaccurate, and always useless. However, it leaves open a third possibility: Those who did, and now teach. Those who do, and teach in addition. SpiroVerse’s Alma Mater belongs to the third category.

There is a special magic when two people share the path to wisdom. Be it as peers, or as mentor and mentee. Many of us have felt the kinship, complicity and sheer elation when, guided or in discovery, we have that eureka moment. When everything else vanishes. When the ultimate understanding of a subject is a torrent of neural synapses. In SpiroVerse we seek these moments. Through Alma Mater’s training structure, Souls meet, work, evolve and learn together.

With a roster of stelar trainers and a mix of one-to-one sessions, group sessions, webinars, workshops and activities, we ensure that the harmony and pleasure of learning in EnergyCare is something that not only stays with the student, but that is passed on to her surroundings. We say stellar trainers not only because of their background in the subjects they teach, but because of their character and motivation. SpiroVerse trainers are hungry. Hungry for knowledge, hungry for their own personal and soulful evolution. Hungry for connection and sharing

Youth of The Nation

Do, and do more

SpiroVerse’s Alma Mater is not a school. It is not even a place. It is not a screen that you turn on to tune in to. It is a process. Guided, personalized and flexible. It is a philosophy. A prejudice-free environment where we learn from each other and where we focus our efforts on a subject that will have a positive impact on our skills, our profession, our health and our lives.

SpiroVerse needs to teach. SpiroVerse needs to share, but also needs to learn. And we encourage our trainers to become students, our students to become EnergyCare providers, our community to strive to become a paragon in society. So that wellness and +1 Health benefits can spread, benefit the world and us within it.

Learning To Live

The path to enlightenment is guided by consciousness

There are many levels of consciousness. Neuroscience is but at the gate of this field of study. Sam Harris, famed neuroscientist and science communicator, often mentions that we are hardly owners of our own brains. For even when we try to guide our thoughts, they pop in and out of existence without permission, notice or invitation.

Modulation, rather than control. Kinship and understanding, rather than instruction. In an environment where all involved understand that our differences can only enrich our understanding of our humanity, SpiroVerse continues to teach without judgment. Learning through joyful experiences.

There are many items coming online with the SpiroVerse platform. Through experiences and collaborative efforts we have already counted over 40,000 personal and consciousness transformation testimonies.

It has been said that if you manage to make your hobby your job, you will never work a day in your life. And that’s both true and false at the same time. A hobby can be dropped anytime, whilst a job can’t. Our path into higher levels of consciousness, enlightenment and wellness is a hobby. But that is not to say that it doesn’t require effort and commitment. It is rare that worthwhile activities do not.

