Splintertalk — Get Rewarded for Talking About Splinterlands

Chris Roberts
3 min readAug 14, 2020


Did you know that Splinterlands has a social media platform? It’s true! We have actually had it for quite some time. It’s a long story…


In the days of yore, Splinterlands players filled the columns and rows of Splintertalk.io with incredible Splinterlands content. The players would share their battles, discuss strategy, even compose brilliant music or pieces of visual art. And for all their efforts, they would earn great rewards in the form of the token Splintertalk.

Then there were the dark times, for the STEEM blockchain that hosted Splinterlands (the game) and Splintertalk (the platform) was overtaken by an evil and mischievous wizard with an adorable smile who was determined to destroy both realms through the twisted magic of overstaking.

There was little time, and although Splinterlands (the game) was able to quickly seek refuge in the new and bountiful land of HIVE, Splintertalk (the platform) was left under the control of the evil staking wizard…

No longer! Splintertalk has finally been rescued to the HIVE blockchain. Splinterlands players can once again earn rewards for posting any and all Splinterlands-related content on Splintertalk.io.

How Does it Work?

Splintertalk is simple. Like Splinterlands, it is an interface to the HIVE blockchain. Using your HIVE account, you can log in using the same account with which you play Splinterlands.

Splintertalk has a simple, easy-to-learn blogging interface.

Create Content — Once you publish a post on Splintertalk, you may start receiving upvotes from curators who enjoyed your post or would otherwise like to show their support. Promote your post on other social media to encourage more upvotes and reshares.

Get Paid — After 7 days, the total votes on your post are tallied, and both you and the curators are paid based on the number of SPT earned from the post. After the 7 days, rewards are never again distributed for that post.

Upvote Other Posts — When you stake your Splintertalk tokens (discussed below), you grow in Splintertalk Power, which allows you to reward others with greater upvotes!


HIVE-Engine is where you can put your Splintertalk tokens to work. They can be traded for Splinterlands assets, other tokens on the HIVE blockchain, even cryptos like Bitcoin, through HIVE-Engine’s SWAP.BTC token.


Holding and staking your Splintertalk tokens through HIVE-Engine is what truly gives them power. On the Wallet page of HIVE-Engine (log in with your HIVE account), find your Splintertalk (SPT) tokens and look for the padlock icon on the right.

It’s that simple to stake your SPT tokens. To unstake them, they must be released in 4 increments, one payout per week. So it takes a total of 4 weeks to completely unstake your Splintertalk tokens.

Keep on the lookout for more updates! See you on the battlefield!

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