Rust & JS developers for Ethereum Classic

Igor Artamonov
1 min readNov 24, 2016


Ethereum Classic has a great community which has been successfully maintaining code and adding new features for past few months. We’ve already made our protocol upgrade to update Gas Prices, and expecting next fork in January, all code is ready.

But to make Ethereum Classic truly innovative we need a full time dev team, in addition to the community. I’m trying to build such team.

I’m looking for a talented Rust and JS developers. Full time, remote. Experienced developers, which can lead projects, make architectural decisions and help other team members to do their job. Self motivated and able to work in a distributed team on Open Source software together with the community.

From Rust dev I’m expecting knowledge of most Computer Science concepts, Data Structures, Networks and P2P, Security and Crypto.

From JS dev an experience with React+Redux, MaterialUI and BEM concepts, and building reusable UI components.

Also looking for a Go developer, with same requirements as for Rust developer.

This job is really challenging, it’s a new field, there’re many serious problems to solve and research to be done. You’ll be building a next generation of blockchain, a new protocol that in next few years will be used by millions of people.

Please email me at and/or

PS if you want to help Open Source and Ethereum Classic, please share this with your friends.

