Conquer 2024: Setting SMART Goals for a Transformative Journey | Speak Now English Academy

Speak Now English Academy
2 min readJan 7, 2024


Hey, Alpinist!

Ready to embark on a transformative journey through 2024 with some killer goals? Let’s delve deeper into the magic of SMART Goals — a game-changer that turns dreams into reality.

Developed by George T. Doran in 1981, this framework was initially tailored for management and business. Doran’s intention was to enhance project management and employee performance. Over time, the concept has evolved into a beacon for personal development, guiding individuals to set objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures a clear path to success!

You see, while plans are cool, goals, my friend, are the real deal. Let me share mine to illustrate the profound impact of SMART Goals. Instead of generic plans like reading, drinking water, exercising, meditating, and studying, let’s get specific and break it down the SMART way! And by “SMART” I mean:

S — Specific: Check! Each goal is clear and detailed.

M — Measurable: Absolutely! You can track your progress easily.

A — Achievable: Yes, if I put in the effort, it’s doable.

R — Relevant: Definitely! Aligned with my overall vision.

T — Time-bound: Oh, yes! A deadline keeps me accountable.

For instance:

Study 2 hours a day, read 1 hour a day, drink 2L of water a day, exercise and meditate every day until July 25th, 2024.

Now, Alpinist, let’s translate this into your own narrative. Imagine reading more, not just as a vague intention but as a dedicated pursuit. Specify a reading time each day — perhaps before bed or during your morning coffee ritual. Thirsty for success? Don’t just drink water; set a specific water intake goal of 2 liters a day. Transform those generic plans into SMART goals tailored to your vision.

So, Alpinist, here’s your call to action. Dive into the specifics, turn those intentions into SMART goals, and let’s conquer the heights of 2024 together! Your journey awaits — define those SMART goals, and let the adventure unfold!

Remember: SMART goals keep you on the path to enlightenment while embracing new experiences. Picture this as your personalized roadmap to growth, aligning with your unique personality and aspirations.

#SmartGoals #Conquer2024

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Written by Gabriela Maia



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