Things to Learn from the Snooze Button….

Sahityika Poddar
4 min readNov 30, 2017


Most of the people in today’s busy world tend to keep an alarm clock handy, to help themselves wake up in the morning and start the day on time. But do you really wake up as soon as the alarm clock buzzes? Or, do you like to treat yourself with an extra five minutes of sleep?

There are basically four categories of human beings. The first category is the sleepers. They love their sleep and no matter what happens around them, their sleep continues uninhibited. For these people keeping an alarm clock is as worthless as talking to the wall. No matter how long and how loud the alarm is, their sleep will never break. They are in a state of slumber, and they refuse to yield to the surroundings.

The second category is the one who loves to treat them with an extra couple of minutes to sleep. These are the snoozers who love to press the snooze button and keep themselves on the bed for a longer time, than usual. They kind of, worship the person who invented the snooze button.

The third category symbolizes those people who wake up as the alarm goes off. But their thought is clouded with innumerable questions as to what is their worth, what is the point of their existence and why are they alive. When they cannot find an answer to their questions they decide to go back to bed again, to rest their perplexed mind. These are the fallers as they fall back to sleep tired of their existence.

The final and the fourth category of people are those that wake up at once as soon as the alarm goes off. They get ready with a fresh body and soul to start their day, on time. These are the on-timers as they are not lazy to sit back but enthusiastically start the day.

The on-timers are fast learners and possess the zest to imbibe the good. These people readily accept the spiritual wisdom and grow day by day. They never procrastinate, but makes sure to use their time efficiently. They are the achievers.

The fallers are reluctant to succumb to the new and the good. They always question themselves as to why do they have to live, why do they have to work, why do they have to evolve and poising such questions insults the very essence of life. They are unaware and reluctant to understand the importance of spiritual wisdom and so they fail drastically in their lives.

The snoozers are the ones who want to accept change, who understand the importance of spiritual wisdom, who knows the tactics of leading life, who love to grow, yet they want to wait a little longer, yet they want to accept everything tomorrow, and not today. They may be successful in their lives but their success will come at an age when they can’t relish it totally.

Similarly, sleepers are the ones who can never understand that opportunity came to their doorstep, but they were so busy sleeping, that they couldn’t even smell the aroma of success. They love to procrastinate and their lives transform into a nothing box. No matter what you tell them or what they face, their ignorance will never let any lesson enter their nothing box.

Do not be a sleeper, or a snoozer, or a faller. Be an on-timer and allow yourself to go out into the world to gain that extra knowledge which seventy five percent of the others won’t have. Allow yourself to enjoy five percent more everyday. That way you will eventually, be a happier and a more successful person.

If you feel that the above lesson will impact your life, even a little then don’t forget to clap before you leave this page. It matters a lot to me. Keep smiling and be happy.



Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…