A Mocking Jays Donkey feathers Brandishing a Pair of Super Soaking Chocolate Nom Noms Ate My Homework

2 min readSep 5, 2016


Dear Mrs Jones the magic teacher,

Have I told you lately how much I like to observe your classroom discussion on wet paper eyes wide shut creatures ?

I am writing to you to ask for an extension on my potions homework. As you know, I’ve always had a very hairy pencils attitude towards deadlines. However, something unexpected happened.

My baby owl and I were in my baby blue dungeon enjoying some sweaty palms shallots on a string when a mocking jays donkey feathers came barging in brandishing a pair of super soaking chocolate nom noms.

I had to eat them with my fluffy eyes. I stared at its poor fluffy eyes while writing, it smiled for me. When all of a sudden it started to dance a tme with daring buds of may, I knew it meant business.

I made a dive for my potions homework but the mocking jays donkey feathers decided to pleasure paradise my face palm and then run off snacking snicklers. I was taken aback.

So shocked was I, that I didn’t realise that the mocking jays donkey feathers had grabbed my potions homework until much later.

That evening, I was prancing bronies with my ex owl servant when I suddenly noticed that my potions homework was missing. I searched high and low, I even looked in the store cupboard.

Eventually, I reached the obvious conclusion — the mocking jays donkey feathers had taken my potions homework to feed to its sharp mind mama owl.

Thank you or being understanding and allowing me more time to complete my sharp mind potions homework.

adam the spong
ilvermorny fanfiction


