ilvermonry fanfiction break

1 min readSep 20, 2016


it is school holidays in australia. and usually, i finish up the time line, in time for school break, as everyone around the world goes to school, in ilvermorny and hogwarts.

the time line from july to october 120 days and 5 days a week fanfiction . 50 days of fan fiction

it seems fitting that october was always the hogwarts october build month as, it was always australia is different with september break and october return to studies. and. october 31 as the 90 days , and 90 days to australia day, and another 90 days after that when university takes us to may as the end of semester hogwarts. so a 90 day semester in australia does fit in a 120 day semester american , Uk version.

the time line from november to february 120 days and 5 days a week fanfiction . 50 days of fan fiction.

the time line from march to june 120 days and 5 days a week fanfiction . 50 days of fan fiction.

what are the 5 days i don;t fanfiction. dec 25–26. 27. 1 jan . 14 feb and usually my birthday.

