There are many scientists who were ahead of their time. Royal Rife is one of those men. Royal Rife is the reason behind the Rife Machine, which was an incredible scientific discovery. A Rife Machine was created with the thought process that cancer has a viral cause and damaging the virus could result in a cure.

The way a Rife machine works is through vibration and energy. The way I first heard it explained was to picture an opera singer who can shatter a glass with their voice. The glass shatters not because the voice is loud, but because the frequency leads to vibrations that are strong enough to shatter glass. The Rife machine takes Rife’s belief that every microorganism from fungi to viruses and everything in between has some sort of unique frequency. If it has a frequency, then the theory states that if you are able to transmit a higher frequency towards the organism, it causes stress that leads to the cell either being disabled or diseased. Rife resonators are designed to harm specific cells based on the specific frequencies they emit.

Rife machines are mainly utilized for cancer sufferers. Cancer occurs with an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Viruses, bacteria, and parasites all contribute to the spread of cancer. The resonant frequencies of these harmful cells can be disabled or eliminated with a rife machine. Rife machine research has shown that positive organisms are not harmed as long as the frequencies do not reach harmful levels. That’s why a person must really do their research before utilizing their Rife machine.

Of course, with the potential to cure cancer, Rife machines are usually rather expensive. Fortunately, the Spooky 2 hit the market. It was developed over the past 6 years by an international team of electronics engineers, technical designers, software developers, and Rife practitioners. All determined to eliminate disease. They are offering their machine at a more affordable price, because they truly believe in helping people.

All anyone asks for in the fight against cancer is a real opportunity for hope. The Rife machine has been tested and proven to kill several harmful cells. If you or someone you know has cancer, I encourage you to research the Spooky 2 Rife machine. My family has and our doctor agrees that it’s been a God send.



Spooky 2 Rife Machine

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