Act 3: Zombie Birds

Spooky BirdsXYZ
4 min readSep 14, 2022


Act 3: Zombie Birds

The final drop of the entire Spooky Bird Ecosystem and where the fun kicks in; Zombie Birds.

Zombie Birds Sneak Peeks

With more than 100 over traits, you best believe that your Zombie Birds will be unique and ready to SPOOK the living day lights out of including yourself. But beauty without brains isn’t gonna go far. Hence pairing your Zombie Birds with heaps of utility is gonna bring us to the next level.

Introducing Zombie Birds utility:

1/ Factorial 7 Staking Model

A new form of “staking”.

Zombie Birds uses “Factorial 7” staking model to produce Grave Tokens. Factorial 7 model is a staking model which is self-developed by one of our in-house developer with actuarial science experience and background.

The model isolates the compounding effect of the normal staking formula, and factors into account a time value of money into the formula. The based factor will be set to be refreshed every 7 days, with the rate given based on the inflationary numbers. Each player’s action will be calculated and predicted to obey the game theory of a standard intellectual individual.

2/ Grave Token

Native token for the Spooky Birds Ecosystem.

Grave Token is the native token for the Spooky Birds Ecosystem.

There are several ways to acquire Grave Tokens:
1. The open market;
2. Staking Zombie Birds through the Factorial 7 model;
3. Playing our P2E game.

The utility of the grave tokens includes:
1. Voting power for our Spooky Birds Ecosystem DAO;
2. Participate in Spooky Raffle System;
3. Only currency accepted in our Spooky Marketplace;
4. More to come.

3/ Spooky Raffle System

The Spooky Birds Ecosystem imbues a unique raffle ecosystem, which emphasizes on giving back to its holders. Weekly raffles will take place, with heavy Prize Pools. The raffle system takes into account Grave Token and Zombie Birds when deciding the outcome and chances of the raffle.

Considering new mechanisms to lower selling pressure.

Grave Tokens will be given a “coin age” plus “weightage” into the formula which then determines the outcome of the raffle.

In layman terms, holders of the Grave Tokens will be rewarded exponentially compare to new comers which acts to disincentivize individuals from buying heaps of Grave Tokens before the weekly raffle, and dumping it after.

Equality based raffle; everyone will stand a chance.

The Raffle also includes rarity traits raffles, and attributes raffles. Example, certain raffle prizes will be allocated only to certain traits. If a holder collects 3 of the same trait, the chances of winning raffle will be doubled.

The prizes of the Raffle will be decided by the community and will ONLY be given in terms of NFT. Weekly payout will be guaranteed at a minimum of 60 ETH. Community members may decide on the NFT to be bought and distributed from the prize pool.

The voting power will be based on the number of Grave Tokens held, final decision from the Spooky DAO. Example, if majority of the Grave Token holders votes for Godjira Genesis raffle, Godjira Genesis NFT will be bought from the open market and will be used as the prize of the Raffle.

4/ Custom ENS Name

Each Zombie Birds will receive its very own “Custom Name” alongside with their corresponding # serial number.

There will be future utilities tied with the customized and unique ENS names; so make sure the name sticks with the Zombie Birds.

5/ Zombie Birds Game

Flapping Zombies

Soon after the launch, we will be releasing Zombie Birds mini game, “Flapping Zombies” which will feature the Zombie Birds that you own.

Earn Grave Tokens by playing the game and stay on the leaderboard to get a chance to win random rewards. Trick-or-treat; the phrase to remember.

6/ Merch Drop

Zombie Birds x Spooky Birds merch

With every collection, merch is essential as part of branding. Here at Zombie Birds, we strive to bring the best to our holders. We have signed a long-term partnership deal with a well-known street wear brand that has agreed to handle the “A-Z” of our merch empire; from design and production to logistical nightmares.

Rest assured, you’d want to be flaunting our merch once they reach your doorsteps. Remember to treat your delivery man with some candies.

7/ More to come as we continue spooking. !BOO

𝓣he night is cold;
𝓣he days are old.
𝓦hat will happen;
𝓦hen the candy is open?

𝓣he living will seize to exist;
𝓣he dead will start to persist.
𝓨ou will never fade the night;
𝓣hat made this ever so bright

Signing off,

Spooky BirdsXYZ



Spooky BirdsXYZ

4,444 Spooky Birds. Halloween is around the corner. Let’s spook some people. “Trick-or-Treat”; the phrase to remember.