Spoonerism — The Beginning

Spooner Ism
4 min readDec 9, 2022


85% Meme, Community, Fun, and Spoons. 15% Something Real.

  1. Spoonerism Defined
  2. Our Community Mission
  3. Our Personal Mission
  1. Let’s start with the definition of Spoonerism:

“A verbal error in which a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words, often to humorous effect…”

Here’s a few examples:
“Men Woon” instead of “Wen Moon”
“Boad up your Lags” instead of “Load up your Bags”
“Birty Dirds” instead of “Dirty Birds”
“Tars and Brucks” instead of “Cars and Trucks”
“Spoon to the Moon” instead of… well, “Moon to the Spoon.” I suppose either one works!

Spoonerisms are a unique (and hilarious) way of communicating. Before long, you’ll find your brain spoonerizing tweets, phrases, signs, and shops in real-time.

How about spoons…who doesn’t love spoons? And, if we’re honest, spooning? :)

2. Our Community Mission

Simple! We want you, the Spooners, to help spread the love of Spoons and Spoonerisms.

Let’s be real — we know you’re in crypto for most likely two reasons: to make money and take part in the community.

Our community mission can help you accomplish both: the more we spread the Love of Spoons and Spoonerisms, the more eyes on our project and the more fun we have together.

Don’t forget — $Spoon is the first mover in the cutlery meta!

We have community competitions lined up for the next 3 months. Fun, hilarious competitions. It’s all planned out, with some room for improvisation. The competitions will encourage Spooners to crank out content on Twitter and TG to get eyes on our project. And we’ll even be placing Spoonerisms and Spoons in real-life locations…

It’s going to be a fun community featuring plenty of competitions which will constantly drive eyes to our project. More eyes, more token holders, more for your $Spoon bag. Now for the 15%…

Our Personal Mission:

Note: you don’t have to care about our personal mission in order to benefit from the Spoonerism community. I mean it! We want you to have fun and make money along the way. Just know there’s something more going on behind the scenes… the 15%.

Our mission is to spread awareness about dyslexia through children’s book(s). There are many people who read, think, and sometimes talk in Spoonerisms — and can’t help it.

But that’s an oversimplication of dyslexia, to say the least. Adults and children with dyslexia are often incredibly gifted. Their brains can comprehend pictures, letters, sounds, and more in a myraid of different unique and special ways.

So we’re releasing a children’s book featuring Spoonerisms (and some low-key crypto terms, because of this community) in late Q1 2023. It’s 95% written, we’re working with illustrators and self-publishing companies to make sure it’s print-to-order and fully awesome. If it goes well, we have two other books in the pipeline.

The book also goes a little beyond Spoonerisms — it will illustrate a few other ways people with dyslexia might interpret pictures, sentences, and letters.

A digital version will be made free for all Spoonerism Crypto Community members, so if you don’t want to order a printed version, you can read it via tablet, phone, etc.

Note: None of the fees / taxes on the $Spoon token go toward funding or marketing the book, we have that covered. Fees / taxes all go back into the Spoonerism Crypto Community — the Spooners.

Info on the Book:

The children’s book is called “Wen Moon.” Imagine the famous “Goodnight Moon” mixed with the absolute joy of reading “The Books with No Pictures” by BJ Novak from The Office.

As you flip through the book, the left side has several “normal” sentences and the right side features the same sentences — but Spoonerized. Kids love goofy words and sounds! It will be a blast to read out-loud.

The book will feature themes of contentment. It’s about a kid who wants to sleep on the moon, but has to be content with sleeping on Earth for now. It’s a children’s book, so don’t expect a thick plot! Just plenty of fun phrases and really cool illustrations.

IMPORTANT: We have planned for a percentage of profits to go to a local non-profit school which enrolls students with dyslexia and offers special one-on-one training. It’s a first-mover in the education space, specifically focusing on students with dyslexia.

We are also considering putting a percentage back into the Spoonerism Crypto Community by funding further competitions (past Q1) to spread the love of Spoonerisms and Spoons. If it goes well, we will continue to ramp up the Spoonerism Crypto Community as we release other Spoonerism books in the pipeline. Don’t worry, we are planning for it to go well.

A question you might be thinking: “Will publishing a book require you to ‘doxx?’” We will release the book under a pseudonym. And we have an LLC. But we will not be releasing that information publicly, since we are in a US State where our names would be searchable.

So join our Spoonerism community! Take part in the competitions! And when it’s ready, feel free to order a physical book or download one for free.

Telegram: https://t.me/SpoonerismETH

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spoonerism_ETH

Dextools for the $Spoon token: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x02142CD246d0C4CFAd972257b824A11F6fFAaC44

CA: 0x299627d8b7f84252dca9029748e93c7610e58bf1

Token Fees: 4% Buy, 4% Sell. 1% Reflections, 1% Auto-Liquidity, 1% Team, 1% Marketing. All back into the Spoonerism Crypto Community.

