5 Dogs that Represent JavaScript

Daniel Levin
2 min readFeb 7, 2016


…and associated modules.

This happy little fluffer is MongoDB — Like all golden retrievers he loves fetching and retrieving things for you!

Look at this funny little guy! This shiba-inu is clearly represented by ExpressJS; all they are interested about is seeing everybody (and all requests) come by their house!

This plucky defender represents PassportJS, you aren’t getting past him without the correct credentials (and belly rubs).

Here we have nodemon, this little fellow is going to keep an eye on your code and update when it changes!

And last but not least we have the puppy, embodied by ES6 and ES7. They may not be fully mature and accepted in everyone’s home (or every JS engine) yet, but they definitely will grow up into a cute mature pup!

