Basketball Cross Training Tips for Beginners

Sport Court
2 min readMay 31, 2016

Cross training is popular among athletes who are serious about excelling in their chosen sports — and summer is the perfect time to begin. Cross training itself entails training in at least two sports in order to improve your game and skill — primarily in your main sport of choice, but ultimately in both sports.

Cross training can be done in many places, but a home basketball court is the perfect place to practice due to its blend of privacy and professionalism. Many home basketball courts come customizable, so your athlete can train in any way he or she needs.

As a parent who wants the best for his or her children and who enjoys watching them excel, cross training on a home basketball court is the perfect place to foster dreams and help those dreams become a reality for your children.

Cross Training Safety Tips

Cross training has numerous benefits — both for physical and mental health — but many times your child risks injury when basic cross training safety tips are ignored. With the close proximity you have to your child on the home basketball court, you can often be near in case of emergency — but teaching safety tips as a preventative measure is important. If your children know the basics of cross training, they will be safe whether they practice on a home basketball court or in the local gym.

The most important part of cross training safety is self-evaluation.

Knowing what your body is capable of is important in not pushing yourself to the point of injury. Allow yourself an ample amount of time to rest up in between seasons and do not practice cross training while injured.

Take note of your surroundings, and always be aware of your needs and the needs of your teammates.

Cross Training Practice Tips

Focus on multiple areas of your body when you cross train. If you cross train with basketball and football, make sure you focus on muscle areas that are important in both sports — no matter for which you are currently training.

With the privacy afforded to you by a home basketball court, feel free work on vital skills like flexibility and mobility. These skills may be embarrassing to develop in public, but they are vital in any sport.

Working on specific skills and weaknesses from a past season is a great way to ease into cross training. A coach or trainer will be able to give you specific direction on the way he or she wants you to go with practice. Always listen to those professionals helping you train, and remember that rest and recovery is part of training as well.

Maddison Driggs is an athletics writer for Fusion 360, an SEO and content marketing agency. Information provided by Sport Court. Follow on Twitter.

