Picasso’s Les Femmes d’Alger: Who Purchased the Record-Breaking Painting?

Women of Algiers in Their Apartment: A Masterpiece by Pablo Picasso

5 min readOct 25, 2023

The Les Femmes d’Alger was purchased by Chinese billionaire Liu Yiqian in 2015 for $179.4 million, making it the most expensive painting ever sold at auction. The painting was previously owned by the Qatari royal family.

Liu Yiqian is a Chinese billionaire and co-founder of the private museum, Long Museum. He is a passionate collector of Chinese art, but has also been known to collect Western art. In 2013, he purchased Pablo Picasso’s Nude, Green Leaves and Bust for $65 million.

The Les Femmes d’Alger is a series of 15 paintings by Pablo Picasso, created between 1954 and 1955. The paintings are based on the work of Eugène Delacroix, and depict four women in a harem. The series is considered to be one of Picasso’s most important works.

Women of Algiers in Their Apartment: A Masterpiece by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment is a series of 15 paintings and numerous drawings created in 1954–1955. The series was inspired by Eugène Delacroix’s 1834 painting of the same name. Picasso was fascinated by the Orientalist genre of painting, and he saw Delacroix’s work as a challenge to be met.

Picasso’s paintings are a radical departure from Delacroix’s work. They are more abstract and fragmented, and they use a bolder palette of colors. Picasso also made significant changes to the composition of the painting. He eliminated the background, and he brought the four women closer together. This creates a sense of intimacy and claustrophobia in the paintings.

Picasso’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment series

is considered to be one of his most important works. It is a powerful and disturbing meditation on the female condition and the colonial gaze.

The Context of the Paintings

Picasso created his Women of Algiers

in Their Apartment series at a time of great personal and political turmoil. He was in his mid-seventies, and he was struggling with his own mortality. He was also deeply concerned about the political situation in Algeria, which was then a French colony.

The Algerian War of Independence began in 1954, and Picasso was sympathetic to the Algerian cause. He saw his paintings as a way to protest against French colonialism and to celebrate the resilience of the Algerian people.

Analysis of the Paintings

Picasso’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment paintings

are complex and ambiguous. They can be interpreted in many different ways.

On one level, the paintings are a meditation on the female condition. The four women are depicted as both passive and powerful. They are confined to their apartment, but they also seem to be in control of their own destiny.

On another level, the paintings can be seen as a commentary on colonialism. The women are depicted as exotic and mysterious, and they are objectified by the male gaze. However, the paintings also suggest that the women are resistant to colonial domination.

The Legacy of the Paintings

Picasso’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment series has had a profound influence on modern art. The paintings have been praised for their innovative use of color and form, and they have been interpreted as powerful feminist and anti-colonial statements.

The paintings have also been criticized for their essentialist portrayal of Algerian women. However, it is important to remember that Picasso was painting in a different time and place, and that his paintings should be understood within the context of their own era.

Picasso’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment series

is a complex and challenging body of work. It is a series that continues to be debated and interpreted by art historians and critics today. However, there is no doubt that the paintings are masterpieces of modern art.

Picasso’s Les Femmes d’Alger: A Masterpiece in the Digital Age

NFTPLANETARIUM, a revolutionary new NFT marketplace, is excited to announce that it will be offering a unique selection of NFTs inspired by Pablo Picasso’s iconic masterpeice, Les Femmes d’Alger.

These NFTs are not just digital copies of the painting, but rather unique and innovative interpretations of it from some of the most talented NFT artists working today. Using a variety of mediums and techniques, these artists have created NFTs that capture the essence of Picasso’s original work while also adding their own unique flair.

Whether you’re a longtime Picasso fan or simply appreciate great art, NFTPLANETARIUM’s collection of Les Femmes d’Alger NFTs is sure to have something for you. So come explore our planetarium of NFTs today and fall in love with Picasso all over again!

NFTPLANETARIUM: Explore our NFT Collections and You will fall in Love with Picasso




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