Former IOC Director, Michael Payne Joins SportsFix Advisory Board

SportsFix ICO
3 min readSep 11, 2018


Preparing the launch of our sponsorship model, we are excited to announce that the architect behind The Olympic Partner (Top) sponsor program for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Michael Payne joins SportsFix ICO Advisory Board!

Michael Payne, former International Olympic Committee (IOC) marketing and broadcast rights director.

Michael Payne, the former IOC marketing and broadcast rights director, is a top influencer in sports marketing industry. He pioneered TOP, an exclusive partnership initiative that helped propel sports marketing into new era.

Last year, the hugely influential sports marketer secured a deal between Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce and technology conglomerate, to sponsor the next six Olympic games. It is a centralised sponsorship scheme focusing on the traditional TV broadcasting environment, as opposed to what SportsFix does!

We caught up with Payne in China to get his insights.

Making Sense of the Sponsorship Model

SportsFix is building a decentralised sponsorship model marshalling social media influence of sports fans to create a viral growth loop for the Digital Stadium™. The Digital Stadium economy is a digital ecosystem powered by the decentralised sponsorship model that allows sponsors and brands to engage and own 100% share of voice ­for as low as $0.10 per user!

Payne explained his decision.

“I am always thrilled to explore new approaches. The TOP sponsorship program was created over three decades ago just as the sponsorship industry was taking off on the global stage.”

Payne added, “The new SportsFix model is directly responding to the new digital fan community, one-on-one engagement model that is offered by the new digital age. The premium access lies in its one-on-one engagement approach between a sponsor and a fan — and this is clearly the future direction of the marketing industry.”

A Different Case, A Different Approach

SportsFix is a new-generation video streaming platform which decentralises the distribution of sports content and eliminates middlemen by creating a club/ athlete to fan model where more sponsorship dollars can go directly to a fanbase.

Most importantly, the service allows fans to watch the game for free or at greatly subsidized prices because of the direct sponsorship to fan relationship.

It allows sponsors to win the fan’s attention for an entire match within the Digital Stadium™ through many digital pathways, including but not limited to, game day passes, Digital Stadium naming rights, Facebook and Twitter updates, memorable template moments, sponsored video, SMS and email marketing.

SportsFix CEO Carl Kirchhoff explained how the new sponsorship opportunities are more direct and intimate.

“Our Digital Stadium-based sponsorship is revolutionary for two reasons. First, it allows any brand to become a sponsor,” Kirchhoff said. “Sports sponsorship are usually only accessible to blue chip brands as a meaningful sponsorship arrangement with a football club or athlete usually costs a few hundred thousand or millions of dollars.”

“Second, it allows for a true two-way communication between sponsors and fans for a fraction of the cost of a traditional sponsorship. That means sponsors will have various ways to access a defined audience without cannibalising others building a homogeneous and authentic relationship with fans.”

Payne agreed. “SportsFix’ big data-driven sponsorship model is a compelling way to create a symbiotic relationship between fans and sponsors where both sides win! Accessing the key data — takes the sponsorship debate to a whole new level.”

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