Why Sports Fans Want SportsFix Tokens

SportsFix ICO
5 min readJul 4, 2018


Time for you to take over the sports content landscape. Our token enables you to connect directly with your favorite sports clubs and watch games for less or even for free!

Check out our ICO website here. Or Visit SportsFix platform here.

SportsFix is building a decentralized platform to democratize sports content for fans backed by blockchain technology, creating a community-based ecosystem which allow every sports fan to vote, watch and engage with their favourite clubs and communities across the globe.

Tokenizing sports content, backed by blockchain technology and Sports Fix’s fancentric utility token is democratizing sports content for fans and placing the power back into the hands of fanbases all over the world.

In the previous article, we explained about our Digital Stadium ecosystem.

Now, we are unveiling the many ways fans can engage in the ecosystem using our native cryptocurrency, SportsFix token (SFT). Here are FIVE ways to do it.

Watch a Game for free

Gone are the days watching a game tied down to your cable TV provider. By bringing games right to your palm, our over-the-top (OTT) platform provides you live streaming matches on your mobile devices potentially for free!

Our token model allows you to personalize your own content consumption, choosing your favorite teams to follow and creates the opportunity to earn SportsFix tokens.

SportsFi Digital Stadium Marketing Engine (DSME). Find out more in our whitepaper here.

When you enter our Digital Stadium, you’ll have the opportunity to redeem a sponsored Game Day Pass by engaging in our Digital Stadium Marketing Engine (DSME), where you’ll be asked to share your game day pass on your social media account in return for watching a free game on our platform from one of our sponsors.

Our DSME acts as a marketing engine’s content management system, designed to dispense the game day passes or tokens once the post is made and to ease posting effort for users by providing generic content. Our DSME is uniquely developed to create uniformity in the content being shared by layering a game day pass that features clubs, game day time, and sponsors, and providing a URL backlink to the Digital Stadium event to create a viral loop for other fans to join.

We envision a symbiotic relationship developing between our sponsors and SportsFix users where sponsors will help co-purchase game day passes for the digital stadium in return to for the right to Sponsor the game throughout the entire Digital Stadium ecosystem. And since value chain is streamlined and intermediaries eliminated, more marketing dollars can directly to fans, allowing them to enjoy their games for free or at greatly discounted prices.

Vote for any content you want to watch

Our unbundling system allows SportsFix users to watch a single game. But the real fun begins when you, your friends, and fan bases around the world can push the price to watch a single game down through crowdfunding. The concept is simple: the more people watching the game, the less you need to pay!

Imagine the ability for fan bases around the world to free their favorite teams from the shackles and limitations of television broadcast; SportsFix’s platform will accelerate the trend of television unbundling through the use of smart contracts.

The act of voting on our platform is a powerful act as it allows you and other fans to access the content on our platform and tokenizes the content into our ecosystem –which will allow you to earn SportsFix tokens which you can use to watch games for free.

You’ll be creating a new fan experience! Unlike traditional payTV and cable broadcasters you won’t need to pay outrageous subscription fees just to watch a game.

Connect Directly with your favorite sports club

Our connections with our favorite sports club is limited to several channels in the digital world not specifically designed for sports, such as social media channels, community forums, and websites. Now, adding an innovative platform for the sports industry, SportsFix is establishing verified official Digital Stadiums for sports clubs to seamlessly engage with fans.

We are creating a one-on-one experiential platform to strengthen fan bases worldwide by integrating the perks of community forums, social media and streaming channels in one platform. Most importantly now fans can be recognized and rewarded by their teams for their ardent support and fandom.

Our Digital Stadium allows you to chat, send GIFs and pictures to the entire community while you are watching a match! Beyond that, you can also get rewarded, recognized and directly communicate with your favorite club during the game. We bring the stadium experience into the digital world all at your fingertips.

Create your own content and get rewarded

Fans make millions of pieces of content for their favorite sports teams every year, but do they get rewarded for it? Nope.

In the SportsFix ecosystem, you will be rewarded anytime you create and post content dedicated to your favorite teams. Now, you can be recognized and rewarded for your fandom by your activity by SportsFix tokens.

Tribute videos, memes, in depth commentary and analysis will all be rewarded in our ecosystem. Leaderboards will be able to rack the most active and die hard fans and our token economy rightly rewards those super fans with tokens, status, and special access events.

SportsFix highly appreciate fans who dare to create their own content. We believe that sports fans and communities have fruitful contributions to the entire sports landscape.

Special access to club content and merchandise

In the official sports club Digital Stadiums or SuperFan stadiums fans will be able to access special club content like player interviews, behind the scenes, in depth commentaries, and more.

Sports franchises will have the opportunity to provide the entire content experience on the SportsFix platform. Not only will they be able to deliver their live games to their fans, they’ll be able to produce original content directly to their fan bases and reward their fans with SFT for engagement.

Fans will be able to spend their SFT to redeem club merchandise and offerings via the Digital Stadium marketplace. The marketplace will offer fans all sorts of unique opportunities for fans to engage with their favorite teams through club merchandise and content.

So, get ready to change the game. And count yourself in on our ICO next month!

IT’S GAME TIME! And we’re changing the way YOU watch sports!

Follow us on Twitter: @SportsFix_io

Subscribe to our Telegram group: t.me/SFICO

Check out our ICO website: www.sportsfix.io



SportsFix ICO

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