We couldn’t find a proper method to quantify engagement so we built one.

People Heroes
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2017

So many conflicting reports about what engagement is. We believe the simplest way is to imagine a scale from 1 to 10.

Around 5 is what you expect of an employee.

Anything below and people hold your organization back.

Anything above and people will go the extra mile for your organization.

The Engagement Scale

Engagement: 0–2 / 10

At that point, employees are looking for outside opportunities - they’re already out and it’ll be difficult to change their mind about your organization. They bring a lot of sceptiscism to work and discourage people around them. It is worth letting them go and allowing them to find somewhere they can do their best work.

Engagement: 2–4 / 10

Employees with this type of engagement are looking for a significant change in their work life but still have some faith in your organization. They are very prone to poaching because outside offers will look amazing compared to what your organization seems to be offering them.

Engagement: 4–6 / 10

Employees are satisfied with their current work life but may be thinking about what is next for them. They will do what is required on time and meet expectations. They will be likely to ask for increased training as their learning curves start to slow down.

Power up with Spot.coach here to get to the next engagement level :)

Engagement 7–10 / 10

Employees with a 7+ engagement level are ambassadors for your brand. They will refer their friends (lower recruitment fees!). They will always go the extra mile and be a driving force in building your company’s culture. They will be open to feedback and mission driven creating an atmosphere for innovation, collaboration and growth. You can expect them to be on call anytime something comes up!

Get a highly engaged team with Spot.coach

The Spot.coach Engagement Index

At Spot.coach we believe that by giving you access to precise engagement information, we’ll be able to better show you why your engagement initiatives are unlikely to change much.

Some of the most engaged individuals we’ve surveyed worked in small cubicles, without a gym membership and below average pay. How?

The answers lies in our Engagement Index and you can find more info and get your personal or team engagement report here → http://spot.coach/engagement-index

To give you an idea of what type of results our index provides: here is the spread of engagement on our scale.



People Heroes

We believe everyone can be happy at work. Harness the techniques which CEOs use to be successful and happy in their high-pressure jobs. https://sidekick-hq.com/