Spotless Skin Campaign
2 min readAug 1, 2019


Whatever your reasons are for starting a new birth control method, it can be a really confusing time. As not only you are dealing with a completely new dose of hormones in your body, but you’re also faced with a whole crop of side effects you may or may not have seen coming — including changes in your skin.

Birth control pills are one of the most common medications taken by women & although generally safe but they do have some side effects also.

The hormones that are contained in birth control pills do have effects at times on the pigmentation of the skin. In particular, they can sometimes cause or worsen a condition known as Melasma. This pigmentation comes on so gradually that many women don’t even realize it’s happening until it’s there

Melasma, is the development of dark spots, usually on sun-exposed areas of the skin, most commonly the face. If this Melasma has been caused by the birth control pill, stopping the pill will usually cause the condition to resolve, although it may take several months to do so.

Other measures that can be used to reduce Melasma include protecting the skin through the regular application of sun-blocking lotions & limiting your exposure time to direct sunlight.

When selecting a method of hormonal birth control, is your main consideration contraceptive effectiveness, skin appearance, possible side-effects, or a little of each? It’s best to consult with both your Dermatologist & Gynecologist about all risks & benefits before making a final decision

