Blockchain layers (L0, L1, L2, L3) in a Diagram

Nicky Montana
3 min readMar 21, 2022

My dyslexia made me make this.

The entire stack

Layer by layer


The ground floor. This is where the internet, hardware, and connections exist that allow layer 1s like Bitcoin to run smoothly. Layer 0s are allowing several things to happen:

1) Allow blockchains to interact with each other

  • A great example is Cosmos, which creates an ecosystem of interoperable blockchains thanks to its ‘Tendermint IBC’ (Inter-blockchain communication protocol).
  • For developers, this is massive. If a Dapp can function on one blockchain, it can function automatically on other blockchains so long as they’re built using the same layer 0. No need to invest more time and resources to build the same app on another chain.

2) Faster and cheaper transactions

  • With IBC, PoS consensus can be achieved across multiple chains resulting in finality times happening almost instantaneously (finality = when a block is approved, can’t be rolled back, and is considered irreversible). The result is faster and cheaper transactions on cross-chain exchanges.

3) Infrastructure for developers

  • Developers don’t need to start from scratch…

