SideChains: The Blockchain’s Scalability Solution

Ayush Mittal
4 min readJul 21, 2023


Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries by providing a decentralized and secure system for recording transactions. However, as its popularity grows, the issue of scalability becomes increasingly apparent. The limited transaction throughput and high processing times hinder mainstream adoption. To tackle this challenge, developers and researchers have introduced an innovative solution: Sidechains. In this blog, we will explore what side chains are, how they work, and their potential benefits for the blockchain ecosystem.

What are SideChains?
also known as child chains, are parallel blockchains connected to the main blockchain, often referred to as the parent chain. They exist alongside the primary chain but possess unique features that differentiate them from it. These side chains operate independently, enabling developers to experiment with new features, implement custom consensus mechanisms, and enhance scalability without affecting the main chain’s integrity.

Why Do We Need SideChains?
The main Blockchain is slow in transaction processing as the system gets congested because of high-security measures. So, if we want them to scale to a large extent it’s not possible easily. To Tackle this problem concept of Sidechains was introduced.

How do SideChains Work?
Two-Way Pegging:
The fundamental mechanism that connects side chains to the main chain is called “two-way pegging”. It ensures that assets can be transferred between the main chain and the side chain in a secure and trustless manner. When users want to move their tokens or assets from the main chain to the side chain, they “peg in” by locking the assets on the main chain. Conversely, when they wish to move assets back to the main chain, they “peg out,” and the locked assets are released. This involves two processes Locking up and Releasing.

Consensus Mechanisms: Side chains can implement their consensus mechanisms independently of the main chain. This freedom allows developers to choose more efficient consensus algorithms suitable for their specific use cases. For example, a side-chain can opt for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) instead of Proof-of-Work (PoW) to increase transaction speed and energy efficiency.

Custom Features: Since side chains are independent, they can offer unique functionalities that may not be feasible on the main chain. Developers can experiment with new smart contract languages, introduce privacy features, or tailor the side chain to cater to specific industries like finance, healthcare, or supply chain management.

Federation is more like a technical term for middlemen in charge of locking and releasing those funds between the two chains. Not, all sidechains need a federation but many of them do because they’re quite useful. Some federations are completely coded, whereas some are controlled by side-chain organizations. Some believe the Federation could be a big risk.

Important Points About Sidechains

  1. Sidechains are more centralized.
  2. Sidechains are super-fast in transactions. Their compromised security for speed which is a big reason for more centralized.
  3. They are responsible for their security.
  4. Sidechains are permanent Solutions, difficult to change.

Benefits of Side Chains

Scalability: The primary advantage of side chains is their potential to significantly increase the overall scalability of the blockchain network. By handling specific tasks or use cases on separate side chains, the burden on the main chain is reduced, resulting in improved transaction throughput and lower fees.

Enhanced Privacy: Side chains can implement advanced privacy measures, allowing users to conduct transactions with increased anonymity when required. This is particularly beneficial for industries where confidentiality is critical, such as financial transactions and healthcare records.

Experimentation and Innovation: Side chains provide a safe environment for developers to experiment with new ideas and features without risking the main chain’s stability. This fosters innovation and encourages the development of novel applications and use cases.

Interoperability: Side chains can facilitate interoperability between different blockchain networks. Assets and data can be transferred seamlessly between side chains and even across different main chains, promoting a more connected and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

Polygon or Matic Network
We have already made a blog on this but, to give a small overview it is one of the most popular side-chains. It is a sidechain of Ethereum one of the most famous networks in WEB 3. Recommend reading that blog for more insights about Polygon.

Rootstock or RSK

This is a very interesting project launched. Bitcoin could not have smart contracts. So, Rootstack Federation made a system where users could make smart contracts to Bitcoin. But, with some innovative technology. Recommend reading further about it on the web.

Sidechains have emerged as a promising solution to address the scalability challenges faced by blockchain technology. By providing a platform for experimentation, innovation, and improved scalability, side-chains enhance the overall blockchain ecosystem’s efficiency and usability. Some more layer 2 solutions exist like Rollup and Channels which have their pros and cons. But Sidechain is one of the most innovative and creative solutions made in this space. And surely, we could expect some more great projects in future.

Just one thing definite is,

We all are heading towards a better future.



Ayush Mittal

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