Beat Saber Global Tournament

Tournament Registration & Details

3 min readAug 7, 2018

UPDATE: We posted this original release on August 10th. The actual tournament launched on August 17th with 168 VR Arcades participating.

The International Beat Saber Tournament is set for August 17, 2018, and over 70 VR Arcades have already registered! Virtual Athletics League organizers are working with LIV and SpringboardVR in hopes of making the tournament the largest VR Arcade-hosted tournament thus far. If you choose to participate, Virtual Athletics League will be reaching out to you with additional details very soon, but in the meantime, check out the information below to ensure you are ready for the action!

Tournament Registration

You can register for the tournament here.

How to Run a VR Arcade Tournament

Our friend Ryan Burningham put together a great article on how to host a successful VR Arcade Tournament. You can read that here.


Additionally, you can download the How to Run a VR Arcade Tournament Checklist here.

Tournament Format

There are two tournament formats you can use for this tournament: Rolling High Score or Dedicated Event.

Rolling High Score:

A rolling high score is the easiest type of event to do. As people come into the arcade that day, explain to them the tournament and game. Record their high score and keep a running high score board throughout the day. These are easy to do since they don’t interrupt throughput, but have tradeoffs in community building for the arcade and word-of-mouth marketing.

Dedicated Event:

Hosting a dedicated event is more involved, but the end result can be extremely rewarding. To host a dedicated event, you’ll need to block off your VR Arcade for 2 hours, and only offer players to ability to play in the tournament. This a great format if you have the capacity to effectively market the event, and want to stream the gameplay online.

Tournament Songs:

If you choose to go with the Rolling High Score format, the two songs participants must play are “$100 bills” and “Escape”.

If you choose to host a dedicated event, participants can go head to head with any songs they’d like until the final battle. Then the final two participants must play “$100 bills” and “Escape”.

Note: The two songs must be played on expert mode with the no fail option turned on (so as not to discourage beginner players, but still a high score challenge for very skilled players who wouldn’t fail anyway)

Scoring Collection:

If you choose to participate, information on how to properly record and submit verified high scores will be provided by VAL in a separate “tournament rules” doc.

For those who choose to run the bracket style tournament, additional scoring information and how to submit additional participants for global high scores in $100 bills and Escape will be provided by VAL in a separate message.

Tournament Prizes:

Tournament prizes are still being finalized. If you choose to participate, Virtual Athletics League will be in touch with more details on this soon!

Additional Resources:

If you have any additional questions around the Beat Saber Global Tournament, you can reach Ryan (@NujTxeeg) and Joe (@Ga7ahad) on the the VAL Discord Server.

We hope you are as excited as we are!




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