European Investment bank call for tender CFT-1561 by sprintcv

CFT-1561: European Investment Bank call for tenders — Sprint CV

Sprint CV


On the 21st of June of 2019, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has launched a call for tenders to subcontract external IT services and IT professionals, with an estimated value of 145 million €, with the reference number: CFT-1561. Companies and consultants applying to this call for tenders have to fill a specific CV which is available at Sprint CV.

Need more context? Keep reading.

What is the European Investment Bank (EIB)?

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union’s non-profit long-term lending institution established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome. As a “policy-driven bank” whose shareholders are the member states of the EU, the EIB uses its financing operations to bring about European integration and social cohesion.

EIB is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance. European Investment Bank has as main mission to help the economy, create jobs, promote equality and improve lives for EU citizens and for people in developing countries.

What is the call for tenders “CFT-1561”?

To support its mission and objectives, EIB relies strongly on its IT capabilities (data centers, products, software and services). Therefore, they launched a call for tenders (CFT-1561) with an estimated value of 145 million €, in order to contract external staff and services for maintenance, support, development and implementation of packages and specific information systems at the EIB Group, for a period of 48 months. The call for tenders CFT-1561 is divided into twelve (12) distinct lots, each lot representing a different technical domain and scope:

  1. Financial Packages
  2. Document Management System — SharePoint
  3. Document Management System — Content Server
  4. Admin Suite Applications
  5. Enterprise Service Bus and Service Oriented Architecture
  6. EIB-specific Applications
  7. Application Technical Support and Databases
  8. Business Analysis, Project Management and Testing Services
  9. Intranet and Extranet websites and applications
  10. Data Warehouse
  11. Administrative Services
  12. PeopleSoft

Call for tender CFT-1561 in detail

Lot 1 — Financial Packages

Lot 1 covers services related to the maintenance, support and development of the EIB’s financial (off-the-shelf) packages used in the treasury, capital market, back-office lending and risk management area. Estimated value of 20 million €.

Lot 2 — Document Management System — SharePoint

Lot 2 covers the maintenance, support and development of SharePoint applications and solutions. Estimated value of 8.5 million €.

Lot 3 — Document Management System — Content Server

Lot 3 covers Services related to the maintenance, support and development of the EIB’s Document Management System (Content Server). The required Services are grouped in 3 categories: development, maintenance and operational. Estimated value of 4 million €.

Lot 4 — Admin Suite Applications

Lot 4 covers services related to the maintenance, support and development of the specific enterprise applications at the EIB. The EIB has developed or purchased and implemented a variety of applications based on solutions such as BMC software Remedy, archibus java, sybase, powerbuilder, etc. This collection of applications is called admin suite. Estimated value of 11 million €.

Lot 5 — Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Lot 5 covers services related to the maintenance, administration, support, design and development of the EIB’s Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) middleware and services (the Integration Platform), and the evolution of the EIB’s Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) program. Estimated value of 10 million €.

Lot 6 — EIB-specific Applications

Lot 6 covers services related to the maintenance, support and development of the Bank’s specific (in-house) applications. Estimated value of 28 million €.

Lot 7 — Application Technical Support and Databases

Lot 7 covers database and applications support services related to the technologies and products used by EIB, both server and client tools. Estimated value of 5 million €.

Lot 8 — Business Analysis, Project Management and Testing Services

Lot 8 covers the provision of services for the Bank in the area of business analysis, project management and testing for standard IT services and platform scope. Estimated value of 18 million €.

Lot 9 — Intranet and Extranet Websites and Applications

Lot 9 covers services related to the maintenance, support and development of the intranet and extranet websites, mobile applications, and applications at the EIB Group while keeping up-to-date with the technological improvements and developments at the EIB Group. Estimated value of 5 million €.

Lot 10 — Data Warehouse

Lot 10 covers the maintenance, support and development of the Operational data warehouse and administrative (admin) warehouse as well as the reporting and interfaces linked to it. Estimated value of 18 million €.

Lot 11 — Administrative Services

Lot 11 covers administrative support services concerning procurement, budget, contracts, projects and reporting related to externally delivered IT services. Estimated value of 3.5 million €.

Lot 12 — PeopleSoft

Lot 12 covers services related to the maintenance, support and development of the Bank’s PeopleSoft Suite. The required services are grouped in 3 categories: development, maintenance and operational. Estimated value of 14 million €.


CFT-1561 — Official CV template

Sprint CV — CV Generator

CFT-1561 intends to subcontract around 145 million € of IT services and IT professionals during its 4 years life cycle. All those professionals will need to fill the EIB CFT-1561 CV, CV template imposed by the rules of the framework contract. Click on the following link to view an example of EIB CFT-1561 CV template.

We have great news for all the consultants and companies involved with European Investment Bank (EIB) — CFT-1561! Currently, EIB CFT-1561 CV is supported by a Sprint CV. By using the CV Generator, consultants and recruiters will be able to generate a perfect EIB CFT-1561 CV in less than 30 seconds! An automated process will be of great help to all the consultants and companies.

Source: Appendix 4 — CV Template

Originally published at on July 17, 2019.



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