The epitome of real-time strategy games that we all know, today we’re going to start reviewing StarCraft.

Gameblogs on Lamp
6 min readNov 3, 2020


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How many people don’t know Starcraft? The StarCraft game that we all know is a real-time strategy game produced by Blizzard Entertainment. The game was released on March 31, 1998. Starcraft’s game background is set in the 26th century universe, and there are three main races. It is also known that more than 1.5 million copies were sold in the two months since its release, and more than 11 million copies were sold by March 2009. One of the things that everyone recognizes as the best game is that it has been awarded the Origins Award for its computer strategy game, and it has also won many other number of awards. We will begin a more detailed review of Starcraft.

Starcraft Gameplay

Starcraft’s gameplay is relatively simple. When the game starts, the player needs to get the resources. Resources include minerals and vespin gases. We need to build buildings that players can build as they acquire resources. The resources are collected by workers of different species, called the Terran “SCV,” the Protoss “probe” and the Zerg “drone.” Vespin gas is also collected by workers.

You cannot create a unit in StarCraft indefinitely. Therefore, there are limits for producing units. The figure is up to 200, and each species builds different buildings to raise the figure. Increase the figure by creating a supply depot for terran, a file run for protos, and an overload for zergs. All species cannot have a maximum unit of 200. Except, Protoss can create a unit called “Dark Akan” to raise the figure, but it’s a technology that’s hard for a very skilled person to do.

After all, Starcraft is a PVP and it’s essential that his own strategy is to win the battle against the opposing player. Conversely, you need to upgrade your units or manage your resources efficiently to prevent the opponent’s strategy. However, it is helpful to experience all species once because each species has different characteristics.

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Terran, the first tribe of Starcraft.

In Starcraft, Terran is the only human race. The Terran has the following story backgrounds: In the 24th century, the population of the Earth increased dramatically, and the number of criminals increased. The solution was to get criminals out of the Earth in a spaceship. Criminals were aboard a total of four spaceships, and one in four was destroyed and settled in the remaining three-man zone. The Terran tribe is relatively weak, and most of them are very slow to move. The Terran tribe needs a high level of skill because most units attack long distances. But the Terran tribe can repair the building on its own, and there is a Medic made to treat the units. Finally, Terran is the lowest and weakest of the three physical units and buildings, and there is a skill to recover and repair buildings to compensate for these shortcomings.

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Zerg, the twice tribe of Starcraft.

Zerg is a tribe that reminds us of Aliens, the space monster. The biggest feature of this tribe is that units are selfless and the Zerg tribe moves through a single conscious transcendental body. When this tribe barks buildings in certain areas, it creates mucous membranes around them, which he can only build on. Also, other tribes cannot build buildings on the mucous membrane of Zerg. The biggest difference from other tribes is the presence of hatches that can produce units. Creating your own units through hatches was very popular at the time. The biggest advantage of Zerg is its fast speed. Also, instead of building a building, the drone, the Zerg worker, can transform itself into a building. It’s very mobile, so you can gain the upper hand quickly. Additionally, over time, you may recover your health automatically, but the disadvantage is that your recovery rate is very slow.

Zerg is a tribe that has both advantages and disadvantages. Although Zerg’s units all have the disadvantage of dying easily due to their low stamina, they are complemented by their low price and short time to create. It’s safe to say that a powerful unit is no match for other tribes, but because of its low population, it’s better to create a strategy than any other species. To beat the opponent in a juggernaut, you can create a strategy to create many units.

Protos, the Third tribe of Starcraft.

The most popular tribe in Starcraft is Protoss. Protoss has many advantages. Typically, the basic capabilities of a unit are much higher and stronger than other shortages. Also, most of the players who play this tribe are beginners. The reason is that although the unit is expensive, it is far more powerful than other shortages in terms of attack, defense, and physical strength, so it doesn’t die well even if it is attacked by the opponent player.

However, the time to create the unit is long and expensive, so skilled people don’t use the prototype very well. By default, there is not enough mobility, but upgrades can complement mobility. When 10 other tribes are created, there are two protoss, so it’s hard to use them strategically. But if you play Protoss and turn your strategy defensive and aggressive in the second half, there is little chance of losing the 1:1 match.

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a system that can compete with other players.

Multi-play is one of the important elements of a game. There are many players who prefer multiplayer over single games that I enjoy. Play with your opponent through “Battlenet,” a gaming service provided by Blizzard Entertainment. Up to 8 people can play the game together in a game and play the game including artificial intelligence.

This multiplayer is recorded because of the existence of victory and defeat. Based on these records, Starcraft created a ladder ranking system, but unfortunately, the ranking system was abolished in January 2004. However, when StarCraft was remastered around August 2017, a new leader ranking system was created, and many players are working hard to become №1.

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What I felt while playing Starcraft

What I felt while playing StarCraft, a strategic game developed by Blizzard Entertainment, is that it is difficult to use all three of them. I think building my own strategy using one shortage is the most important thing. Because there are differences between tribes, but there are different advantages and disadvantages, so it wasn’t that difficult to choose tribes.

The author enjoyed the Zerg tribe, but out of 10 games, the winner is only one round. If you stop the Zerg tribe here, and if you don’t have the other tribe, you’re not going to have the chance of winning.

Right now, even if we lose a lot, I believe that if we continue to play one tribe, we will win all 10 out of 10 games someday. Starcraft is still known as a strategy game. If you don’t enjoy RPG or FPS games, why don’t you play StarCraft, a strategy game? welcome my gameblog visit thanks

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