The final painting added to the van Gogh museum is called “Self-portrait in front of an easel”. It was Vincent van Gogh’s (an artist renowned for his uniqueness) interaction with fellow artist, George Seurat, that brought forth his sense of the power of colours.

Being original is your first triumph.

Pioneering in a world of duplicates

3 min readJul 6, 2015


Disruption”, “innovation”, “synergy”. These are just some of the frequently (over)used terms we hear at all modern day networking events. Words that are mostly used to cover up a lack of originality . What irks us most, is that the term “customer”, seems to have joined the ranks of the entrepreneurial buzzword arsenal. Ironically enough, at the end of the day, it’s this exact same customer that will suffer from the “of X” way of thinking.

We live in exciting times. Most of the world has become accessible from the palm of your hand. Yes, the high-tech era has opened up an entire new world with amazing new opportunities. A new world that needs to be explored.

It has become our responsibility as pioneers of industry, to explore this new world. Networking efficiently, can only help make our journey that much simpler.

But are all networks not created equal?

The danger with networking is that it has become a plethora of buzzwords. Copycats blindingly reciting what they’ve read in the weekly edition of their favourite business manual. Interacting with these copycats, will leave you with the need to delve your way through loads of redundant information, in order to unlock true value. This becomes time wasted. Time that you should have spent on your valuable idea.

It is true: Networking is an extremely difficult process to perfect. You need to find people you can trust, who share your undying passion for your industry. To add to the complex nature of networking, we are unfortunately forced into our circles by external factors. Factors we have little control over. These include where we live or who we’ve worked with in the past. Allowing aspects we have no control over to dictate our passion, is ludicrous. People in your forced network are rarely the best fit for you and your vision.

Remember that not all networks are good networks. Not everybody who has “been there” before, went on the same journey envisaged for yourself today.

You have to find your networking sweet-spot

Empowering your network is up to one person. You. Surrounding yourself with the best individuals for your value network can shift your concept from being a simple idea to becoming the next world-changing phenomenon.

People become extremely powerful when they share thoughts — and collaborate on projects they’re truly passionate about. The impact of an idea becomes exponentially greater when inspiration is sourced from people who are seeking- or have been on a similar journey. It doesn’t matter whether this journey ended up in success or failure. With the right network surrounding a great pioneer, everything becomes possible.

Being a pioneer in your field, by definition, is going to require you to venture into the unknown. Most find this rather intimidating, but with the backing of the right network, curated by you, it doesn’t need to be. By eliminating the “noise” you can create a circle of trust that will help you drive your vision into reality.

Making it simple again

At spryng, we have made it our mission to bring modern day pioneers together in a simple, yet efficient way. A platform for entrepreneurially inclined individuals to interact without distraction, has been long overdue. A place where ideas come into fruition by connecting pioneers with others that share their passion.

Since it’s your network, we’re handing the power back to you. The power to eliminate all the elements of a bad value network.

In a space of the market that has become flooded with numerous players whom add little to no value, we strive to become exactly what we’re wishing for you: Being Original.

A toast to the new generation of Rockstar :-)

We invite you to request your spot in spryng’s private preview launch. Confirm your pioneering status by becoming part of an elite group of people that have already joined the modern way of networking. We encourage that you follow us on Twitter in order to stay up to date with our revolution. We’re truly looking forward to getting to know YOU (The Pioneer).




A mobile app helping you meet other entrepreneurially minded people. Discuss — and share your ideas with pioneers like you. It’s simply beautiful