Writing down your goals in a creative way will help you achieve them!

How will you know you’ve been successful in 2 years time? Start with the end in mind.

Leon Purton
Sparks Publication
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2019


We have all heard and understood the importance of strategic vision, providing the workforce with the clarity required to make good decisions. There are innumerable articles that describe strategies for creating a compelling organisational vision, but many of them fail at providing tangible outcomes, they tend to be more aspirational. I believe in the value of intent based leadership. Which requires competent people, with sufficient clarity on what is required, exercising to the limits of their control. That control is defined by their competence and organisational clarity. David Marquet talks to this in his compelling book “Turn the Ship Around”. I have had success with the V2MOM strategy promoted by SalesForce’s Marc Benioff in bringing clarity to the required organisational outcomes.

But what about personal clarity? What does your future look like in 2 years time? How do you get personal clarity? You could use the same V2MOM strategy development, but this may take to much to develop. You could also use the method found successful by Brian Scudamore and Dan Lionelli with the Painted Picture. This is a detailed but creative method of describing your dreams and visions. A simpler method, that can still be effective is to just right down your goals, and then turn them into something creative.



Leon Purton
Sparks Publication

Inspired by life. Leadership, Growth, Personal Development. Engineer and Sports Enthusiast. Top Writer in Leadership leonpurton.com