Don’t Forget About the Deaf Community

Sydney Purtee
2 min readDec 11, 2017


KENT, OH — When thinking of taking a second language, most people think of languages such as Spanish or French. What is often overlooked is sign language. There are about 70 million people in the deaf community that rely on sign language as their mother tongue, but they often cannot communicate with others because people do not care to learn ASL. Macy Sigward, a sophomore at Kent State University, is very adament about her minor in ASL. When asked why she decided to take ASL classes, she responded, “because I will most likely become fully deaf later on in life, I just thought taking ASL will give me a head start on that. It’s an extremely interesting language because of the way they use their hands.”

KENT, OH — Kent State University sophomore Macy Sigward laughs as she recalls her experiences while attending Deaf Night Out, an event hosted at Summit Mall to include the deaf community.
KENT, OH — Macy Sigward, a KSU sophomore majoring in psychology with a minor in criminology and ASL, studies for her final in ASL by watching videos online.
KENT, OH — Kent State University students Macy Sigward and Augusta Battoclette sign to each other in ASL so that Macy can practice for her ASL final that is approaching.
KENT, OH — As she signs the letter “r” in ASL, Macy concentrates immensely on practicing for her final coming up within the next couple of days.
KENT, OH — As part of their ASL class, students gathered at an event and signed along with songs. This KSU student is signing to “Hit Me Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears.

