Jan 4, 2024

Exciting news, everyone!
🎉 We’re thrilled to announce our presence on Taco Swap — the place where SQS meets WAX! Now, it’s not just about buying and selling SQS; you can also dive into the liquidity pool and reap fantastic rewards, including our tokens and even exclusive NFTs.

By participating in the SQS/WAX pair on https://swap.tacocrypto.io, you not only contribute to the liquidity pool but also stand a chance to earn a percentage of rewards in our SQS token and grab some amazing NFTs along the way.

Ready to explore this new opportunity? Jump into the liquidity pool, join the action on Taco Swap, and start earning rewards in SQS tokens and exclusive NFTs! 🌟💰 #TacoSwap #SQS #NFTs


SQS is a multifaceted community highlighting the works of talented artists, photographers, models, & content creators