Square meters conversion in SQUAREX Ecosystem

Squarex Platform
2 min readJul 5, 2018


Hello everyone! Since we have got some questions on our Bitcointalk thread regarding the square meters conversion in SQUAREX Ecosystem, we have decided to post a couple of articles, concerning this matter.

In jurisdictions of many countries, Project Tokens, which represent the right to receive square meters, take a Security legal form. This means that the realization of Final Vision of platform involves the registration of licenses for the Exchange activity of Square Exchange.

To acquire and issue tokens, Squarex Ecosystem requires a KYC procedure of verification of legal entities and individuals for any member. Through this procedure, only the companies which are registred in our system as a Branch and authorized to issue our Tokens may place them in the system. This means that the purchase, sale and marketing of project tokens will be carried out only within the framework of SQUAREX Branch on the Square Exchange, and only for the cryptocurrency of the SQUAREX ecosystem — the SQEX token.

The conversion of tokenized square meters in Ecosystem occurs as follows:

1. The initiator of the construction project will be able to issue and place project tokens in the SQUAREX ecosystem to backers (1) and creditors (4) during Initial Square Offering (ISO) on the Square Exchange

2. Backers will be able to resell project tokens to real estate buyers (2)

3. Creditors will be able to issue tokens to buyers on credit (in a form of home loan) and get their interest (3)

4. Buyers will be able to exchange project tokens for real estate after construction is completed (5)

5. Unused tokens are exchanged for cash. Cash is attracted by the sale of unused square meters by agents in the foreign market, or within the ecosystem — through an auction system. Unused square meters may also be tokenized and sold in the secondary tokenized real estate market.

All in all, tokenized square meters conversion at Square Exchange makes the purchase of real estate easy, and the square meter itself becomes liquid. Liquidity of square meters combined with the best price offer on the market and maximum quality makes real estate investment attractive. The availability of smart mortgage mechanisms and leasing of square meters makes this property accessible to everyone. Our next article will be focused on Initial Square Offering procedure.Stay tuned and join our Telegram group for more posts coming!



Squarex Platform

Squarex, first blockchain based real estate exchange that pushes the boundaries of developers' possibilities and changes the paradigm of development process