A detailed overview of Hybrid mobile apps

Squash Apps
3 min readApr 15, 2020


Nowadays, it seems most businesses want an app. But where do you begin? And how do you determine which technology will be best to develop your app?

One of the common questions we get asked is: “Which platform should I create my app for?”

As smartphone users are increasing and often changing the types of handsets they use, our advice is to develop a hybrid app that can work across multiple platforms. There’s also an advantage, from a development perspective, to build a hybrid app because the code can be easily leveraged, shared across platforms and is quicker and easier to work with.

Here, we share how developing a hybrid mobile app with HTML5 will save your business time and money.

What are hybrid mobile apps?

Hybrid mobile apps are developed with HTML5 are cross-platform mobile applications that are built using the holy trinity of web technologies: HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In short, HTML provides the user interface and structure for your app, CSS provides aesthetics and styles to your app, and Javascript makes your app function and allows users to interact.

Compared to building native mobile applications, there are pros and cons when choosing hybrid mobile development over native. However, one of the best reasons businesses should look into hybrid app development with HTML5 is that it can save time and money.

Hybrid apps can be developed faster

By using HTML5 technologies, the same code can run on multiple devices, including iPhones, Androids, and Windows phones.

This not only saves time when building the app, but also in testing, maintaining, and adding future additions.

Compared to native app development, which requires a new app to be developed for each platform, developing a hybrid app can offer real savings for your business and get your app into the hands of your users faster.

From a development perspective, HTML, CSS, and Javascript are arguably the fastest technology “stacks” for developers to work in, meaning there are opportunities to build apps quickly and efficiently. This depends on a few factors, including the speed of the individual programmer.

Take advantage of the most popular programming languages

Javascript is the most popular programming language used on earth right now, even more so than all native mobile languages combined. This is not just the case with web developers, as Javascript is also the language of choice for full-stack developers, front-end developers, and even back-end developers.

Every programming language has its specific learning curves but with so many developers already familiar with core web technologies, it’s much easier to enhance existing Javascript, HTML and CSS skills to develop or maintain a hybrid mobile app, than it is to master the languages required for native iOS and Android development.

With a large ecosystem of passionate and skilled developers, Javascript, along with HTML and CSS, are here for the long run. These are all important factors for a programming language and, with such a strong community behind them, hybrid mobile app development will play a significant role in the coming years.

Oh, I hope you were searching for the best app developing company. Get your Free consultation and app developing tips at squashapps.

