Awesome updates upcoming — 31 March

1 min readFeb 6, 2019


On these market “flipping” times we like to think that Squeezer is one of the #BUIDLers around the blockchain ecosystem, therefore we are working hard to deliver the new platform along with other major updates for the end of March and respect the current roadmap and promises.

Here are a few tips of what the new major release contains:

  • Over 50,000 written code lines (from scratch)
  • Over 40 designs
  • 2 new products added
  • Updated system for token management
  • Transfer (trade) tokens between users
  • Token usability for building apps
  • Tier and pricing integrated

… and many other surprises which for now we will keep them to ourselves until the announced date :)

We would like to thank for all your patience and contribution, and let you know that we would not be here today without you.

The project development will continue further and along with the major release we will start to work on growing the developers community, onboard new clients which are already waiting for the release.

Thank you for all the support and see you on Telegram or any other of our communication channels.

The Squeezer Team.

