We finally made it! The Squeezer platform is now LIVE!

2 min readApr 1, 2019


As promised, we finished with the development for the Squeezer platform, and so much more! We had some surprises prepared and now it’s time to reveal them, a fresh new look for the Squeezer website, to match our new platform and bring a cool feel to it.

The new website is easy to navigate, has all the information you need to start building serverless dApps, and it really looks awesome!

This journey hasn’t been an easy one. We had to build the whole platform from scratch, conceive workflows, user flows and many more. There are more than 100k lines of code now written for the platform and the website all together, and over 50 designs.

As you are reading this newsletter we are still tweaking stuff here and there on the production environment, to make sure everything runs smoothly and the experience you guys have when navigating and discovering all the bits and pieces of the website and platform is a great one!

Here is a short reminder of what you can accomplish with the Squeezer platform:

  • Import projects from GitHub, that you’ve coded using the Squeezer framework https://github.com/SqueezerIO/squeezer
  • Use the Squeezer platform to deploy your code into the cloud.
  • The platform also allows you to manage your projects, deploys, services and functions
  • We added price tiers for all the products, therefore you can use your SQR token to deploy dApps and pay for inbound/outbound transactions.

What are the major updates ?


We released the Squeezer Platform for teams to collaborate on building and deploying top-noch APIs backed by blockchain technologies.

The platform will act as a primary market for the token, which means that our platform users can transfer tokens between them or pay for services and fees. On the platform, the token price is pegged at $0.20, this way the contributors can use our services at the same price they bought the token without being affected by the secondary market (crypto exchanges) value.


Blockchain Gateway was renamed to ChainKit. In addition to previous features our microservices will react to blockchain transactions too.

Thanks to everyone who supported us to make this a reality! Our project is finalised, but that doesn’t mean the development stops here. We will continue to make our product awesome, and great thinks are always around the corner, so stay tuned guys!

The Squeezer Team.

