Fluff Pieces

Tracie Sulpazo
2 min readDec 3, 2022

why I don’t write hard hitting articles

Photo by Damnikia on Unsplash

As you might have figured out by now, I don’t write a lot of articles that need to be researched too deeply or hard-hitting journalism type things. I am mostly fluff.

Yes, I can dabble in the personal development space and make a detour in health and fitness from time to time. But you will not need to think too hard when reading my stuff.

This is a deliberate choice. When I decided to start my own blog and then moved over here to Medium, I looked around at what others were writing. I saw everything under the sun: funny to thought provoking, fiction to nonfiction, how to’s and everything else in between.

There are so many wonderful articles on here that make you think about who you are and what you believe. Sometimes things can get heated and that is ok.

Sometimes you just need a little break from all of it…and that is where I come in.

Photo by Sebastian Coman Photography on Unsplash

I am like the sorbet in between courses of a fancy meal. The palette cleanser, so to speak.

You sit through multiple dishes of complex foods and wonderful tastes and sensations, but every now and then you need something simple. You…



Tracie Sulpazo

I’m a squiggle line. HUH? It means, you never know what you’re going to get…fiction, essay, a how to article. I just go with the flow…come along for the ride!