Week two: Summer coding report

1 min readJun 12, 2017


My PRs to rhinstaller/isomd5sum got merged! Which caused the 1.2.0 release to fail to build. Bam! I’m good at breaking things.
There’s a commit that makes this a proper dependency of the MediaWriter.

I had a look at packaging because package bundling is not cool according to the guidelines. Which means that I’ll have to package squimrel/iso9660 if I want to use it.

You can now make install squimrel/iso9660 and it’ll correctly place the shared library and header file.

The helper part of the FMW was reorganized but poorly I’m stuck at adding the partition due to this error:

Failed to read partition table on device ‘/dev/sdx’

reported by libblockdev due to this warning:

Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.

reported by libparted most likely due to the sector size of 2048 bytes of iso images.

The Windows and Mac build fail on the Linux-only development branch since I broke them on purpose.

Up next:

  • Somehow add the partition.
  • Merge the dev branch of squimrel/iso9660.
  • Create a .spec file for squimrel/iso9660.
  • Make implantISOFD work using an udisks2 file descriptor.
  • Look at what’s next.

