Migrated my website to HTTPS in < 5 min Via Netlify

Rachit Gulati
2 min readJul 22, 2017


I used to live at http://rachitgulati.com but now my home got some cool accessories (HTTPS). So you need to follow some protocols in order to get the access of my creative stuff. I will be available at https://www.rachitgulati.com 24X7.

Change means that what was before wasn’t perfect. People want things to be better. -Esther Dyson

Recently, I have migrated my website from GitHub free hosting to Netlify (this is free as well 😇). Github doesn’t provide the free https certificate for the custom domains hosted on their CDN. I wanted to see the green https lock 🔒 icon because without it my website wasn’t perfect 🐶.

Oh yeah baby, I am secure :)

JUST 3 👶 Steps to do it all. Yes, you hear me right !!!

  1. Signup to Netlify free account.
  2. Follow the simple on boarding steps. Which will tell you to connect to Git provider (Github, BitBucket etc) , select repository for publishing your website and configure your site (select the branch master or anything, select the build command (jekyll build, gulp build etc) and final publish directory selection(dist, public, _site etc)). And finally click on “Deploy Site” and it will deploy the website to some random URL (https://head-hunter-dolphin-4xxx.netlify.com).
  3. Add the Custom URL and Enable HTTPS. Click on ‘Set Up Domain’ and enter your custom URL for the same. As soon as you will enter the custom URL, you also need to enter the Name Server configuration to the domain service provider (Crazy Domains, GoDaddy etc). Here are some name server entries dns1.p01.nsone.net, dns2.p01.nsone.net, dns3.p01.nsone.net, dns4.p01.nsone.net. Now you just need to click on the “Enable HTTPS” . Follow few trivial steps which will provide you the “Let’s Encript SSL certificate” for free.

Follow these article Custom Domain Setup and HTTPS on Custom Domain which has detailed steps for the above.

My curiosity of getting HTTPS certificate is sated. Thank you all for reading it. If you like it and want me to write more, please click on the 💚 to give me some motivation.



Rachit Gulati

Understanding how the computer works. Love humans. Experimenting Frontend. Trekker. Curious Guy. Noob Blogger.