The Importance of Combining Fun and Learning

3 min readFeb 16, 2020

As the concept of gamification gains traction in the digital world, it seems like we’re finally coming to terms with the idea that fun learning is better learning.

But for most children, the process of learning is still not something they associate with fun. With more and more pressure put on parents to give their children the best possible education at their earliest possible age, you’re not alone if you’re struggling to find truly educational toys that take the pressure off learning and bring a bit of fun back into the process!

Researchers agree that learning while laughing leads to better child development, but why exactly are fun and games a key to better learning?

Here are a few of our findings:

Natural Learning v. Methodical Learning: Children like to ask questions, explore their surroundings and try to make sense of the world around them. This is a form of natural learning where interest and curiosity boost your child’s capacity to retain information, solve logic problems, build neuronal connections and think outside the box. More methodical forms of learning are often not associated with fun, although it doesn’t mean they can’t be, on the contrary! It only means they don’t benefit from the same perks as natural learning.

The joy in natural learning. For children, natural learning is fun! The instinctive kind of discovery children are drawn to is naturally joyful. It’s a time where the world is their playground: a sandbox dedicated to experimentation, interaction and self-discovery, four vital elements of healthy development. Any kind of learning that mimics a child’s natural form of learning — the kind that involves playing! — is more likely to seem more engaging, and therefore encourage greater development, for your child.

Optimising learning. Much of children’s learning is self-guided, but as a parent you can expand your children’s learning repertoire by encouraging interactions with other children, spending time playing with them and providing toys and activities that encourage a natural form of learning where education and fun are one. Your children won’t even realise they’re learning!

Choosing the right kind of fun

Fun and games are a great way to learn, but all playtime is not created equal! Many toys can be more distracting than educational, others are too bent on teaching and not enough on playing. Some toys are ingeniously designed but simply don’t cut it when it comes to winning your child’s heart.

So what does it take to be a good toy?

Fun: Boring toy won’t last long in the hands of a child! The first purpose of a toy is to keep your child stimulated and entertained for as long as playtime lasts. That’s why we chose dinosaurs as our mascot!

Educational: even the simplest of toys is a tool for your children to broaden their imagination, make sense of their reality, test their logic and improve their motor skills. Our ambition is to take toys to the next level of teaching by integrating educational features into the Squishysaurus app that brings to life each Squishysaurus you buy! From reading skills to communication and personality development, our 3 dinos are bursting with ideas to help your children on their learning journey.

Tactile: for toys, good design is the key to a child’s heart, but it’s all the more important with educational toys. To keep your children coming back for more learning and fun, we’ve designed an incredibly tactile squishy dinosaur that even parents can’t put down! Cute and cuddly, each with a unique story of their own and a world of fun and games, Alfie, Emma and Madison are bound to become your child’s new best friends.




Squishysaurus uses innovative technology to encourage collective activities and opportunities for parent-child interactions in a fun and social way.