Do College Football Players Get Paid?

srabon bappy
7 min readOct 14, 2022


The debate on whether college football players should be paid has been going on for years. Some people argue that they should be paid because they generate a lot of revenue for their school and the NCAA. Others argue that they are already being compensated by receiving a free education.

So, who is right? In my opinion, college football players should not be paid. Here are three reasons why: First, college football players are already being compensated by receiving a free education.

Second, paying college football players would create an unfair advantage for schools that could afford to pay them. Third, paying college football players would turn them into employees of their schools and take away their amateur status.

How Much Get every year College Football Players

Every year, the question of whether or not college football players should be paid comes up. And every year, the answer is a resounding no. College football players are not paid because they are already being compensated in the form of scholarships.

These scholarships cover their tuition, room and board, and books — everything they need to attend college. In addition, many colleges offer stipends to help cover other expenses like food and transportation. So when people say that college football players should be paid, they’re really just saying that these athletes should be given even more money than they already are.

But here’s the thing: college football is not a professional sport. These athletes are not being paid to play; they are students first and foremost. Their primary purpose for being on the team is to get an education — something that would not be possible without their scholarship.

To start paying them would be to turn college football into a professional league, which it is not and should not be. So yes, college football players are already getting paid — in the form of free education. And that’s how it should stay.

Do College Football Players Get Paid?


Can College Football Players Be Paid?

The simple answer to this question is “no.” College football players are not currently paid, and there is no movement or legislation in place to change that. The reason for this is that college football, unlike professional sports, is considered an amateur sport.

Amateurism is a cornerstone of college athletics and has been since the early days of intercollegiate competition. There are a number of reasons why college athletes are not paid. First and foremost, paying players would fundamentally change the nature of college sports.

College athletics are built on the concept of fair play and student-athletes competing against each other for the love of the game. If players were to start being paid, it would create an uneven playing field and give some schools a significant advantage over others. Additionally, many people believe that student-athletes are already compensated for their efforts through scholarships and other benefits like free housing and meals.

They argue that paying players would only turn college sports into another version of professional sports, which many fans do not want to see happen. That said, there is a growing movement among some members of the college sports community to start paying athletes. Proponents argue that player compensation is long overdue given the massive revenue generated by college athletics (especially football and basketball).

They point out that while coaches and administrators make millions of dollars off the backs of student-athletes, the athletes themselves receive nothing beyond their scholarships (which often don’t cover the full cost of attendance). This argument has gained some traction in recent years, but it remains to be seen if it will lead to any real changes in how college athletics operate.

Do Ncaa College Players Get Paid?

No, NCAA college players do not get paid. They are considered amateurs and are only eligible for scholarships and other forms of financial aid. While some schools generate a lot of revenue from their athletics programs, the vast majority of that money goes towards things like facility costs, coaching salaries, and other expenses.

There is very little left over to pay the athletes themselves. In addition, the NCAA has strict rules against players receiving any kind of compensation, so even if a school wanted to pay its athletes, it would be against the rules and could be subject to sanctions.

Do College Football Players Get Paid 2022

The simple answer to this question is no, college football players are not paid as of the 2022 season. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) does not allow its member institutions to pay their athletes for playing sports. This rule applies to all collegiate sports, including football.

While some people may argue that college football players should be paid, there are a number of reasons why they are not. First and foremost, college football is an amateur sport. The NCAA’s primary mission is to protect the integrity of amateurism in college athletics.

Paying players would professionalize the sport and could lead to recruiting wars between schools, which would ultimately damage the competitive balance of collegiate athletics. Additionally, paying college football players could have a negative impact on smaller programs that don’t have the same resources as larger schools. There are also financial considerations involved in paying college football players.

It’s estimated that it would cost each FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) school an additional $6 million per year to pay their athletes — money that most schools simply don’t have. And while some argue that player salaries could be generated through increased ticket prices and TV contracts, those revenue streams are already being maximized by colleges and universities. Ultimately, it doesn’t appear likely that college football players will be paid anytime soon.

There are too many factors working against it, both from a financial standpoint and from a competitive standpoint.

Do College Football Players Get Paid under the Table

Just like any other college athlete, football players are not allowed to receive compensation for their athletic abilities. However, there have been many instances of football players receiving money under the table. In most cases, this money comes from wealthy boosters or fans who want to see their team succeed.

While it is technically against NCAA rules, these payments are often difficult to track and prove. As a result, many college football players do get paid under the table. This extra income can be very helpful for players who come from low-income families or who need help paying for school.

It can also give them an unfair advantage over other athletes who are not receiving similar benefits. Ultimately, whether or not college football players get paid under the table is up to the individual schools and programs. Some choose to turn a blind eye to this practice while others make a point of strictly enforcing NCAA rules.

Highest-Paid College Football Player

In 2017, Clemson University football player Deshaun Watson was the highest-paid college football player, earning a total of $47 million. This includes his salary from the NFL’s Houston Texans, endorsements, and other sources of income. Watson’s earnings are more than double the second-highest-paid college football player, University of Alabama quarterback Jalen Hurts.

Hurts earned a total of $22 million in 2017. The gap between Watson and Hurts is largely due to the fact that Watson is already playing in the NFL, while Hurts is still in college. However, it’s also worth noting that Watson has signed some major endorsement deals, including one with Nike.

He also has his own line of clothing and merchandise. So far, 2018 has been a big year for both Watson and Hurts. In April, Watson signed a four-year extension with the Texans that could be worth up to $160 million.

And just last week, Hurts announced he had signed an endorsement deal with Adidas.

Do College Football Players Go to Class

When it comes to college football, the answer to whether or not players go to class is a bit complicated. While some programs do require their athletes to attend class and maintain good grades, others take a more lenient approach. For example, at the University of Alabama, football players are required to attend class and must pass all of their courses in order to remain eligible for the team.

However, at Auburn University, players are only required to attend 70% of their classes in order to stay on the team. So why is there such a difference between these two schools? Well, it likely has something to do with the fact that college football is a big business and many programs make millions of dollars in revenue each year.

As such, schools are often more concerned with winning games than they are with ensuring that their players receive an education. That being said, there are some programs that have been able to strike a balance between winning and academics. The Stanford Cardinal football program is one such example.

Players at Stanford are expected to meet high academic standards and they also have one of the best teams in the country. This shows that it is possible for colleges to have successful football teams while still ensuring that their players receive an education.


No, college football players are not paid. They are considered to be student-athletes and as such, they receive scholarships that cover their tuition, room and board, and other expenses. While there is a lot of money generated by college football, the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) does not allow schools to pay their players.

Some people have suggested that this system is unfair, but others argue that the scholarships provide these athletes with an opportunity to get a college education that they might not otherwise be able to afford.

